The Wheel of Time
Take on the role of one of the Aes Sedai from the wheel of time book series. Instead of spells Ter'Angreal artifacts are used so you can find them and consume them in the game. Think guns, ammo and power ups. Long cut-scenes that tell the story filled with people slow to get to the point. Gameplay is bit on repeat with the same few spells for combat.

Unreal II: The Awakening
The only fun thing in this game is your half nude female first officer and it is not a good thing in a game. In short it all feels like a first-person shooter like all the others with the stupid soldiers you have to work with on a level or two so they can say they have great artificial intelligence in the game and your stupid ship mates that are so clich? that you almost throw up. When some of your team mates finally drop dead you do not miss them but rather wish you could walk up and hug the monsters for killing them.