Apex Legends
A child of the great Battle Royale craze of 2019. This game had a well timed hype campaign with big streamers on the payroll at release and it also was a decent game. Drop down in teams of three and fight to the end. Added some new features that was adopded by other BR style games. I did win once, no thanks to me, i was simply a passanger.

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order
Metroidvania style game where you take the role of a Jedi Padawan after the Jedi Purge. The levels look nice visually but everything else in the game has flaws. Explore a few planets in a contrived plot to find a Jedi Holocron with a meh story ending. The explore part is not that fun. Feels like the developers spent to little time building a world fit for Metroidvania style play.

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor

Titanfall 2
Shooter where you play both with and without your Titan, a large mecha-style exoskeletons. It has it's own AI so it can act on it's own when you are outside it. Great single player campaign.