Far Cry
This game takes place on some paradise islands were you, the hero in a red shirt have taken your boat with a nice girl when someone choose to blow your boat to small parts. The only response is to get all the guns you can and kill them all . The great thing about this game is the nice environment setting with a green island with a nice blue water were you can walk around and almost feel like you are there on a vacation, if you ignore the fact that there are people with guns trying to kill you . It gets more boring when you get inside and face up to the clich? indoor first-person shooter kill evil mutant Nazis gameplay but you simply have to push on to the next outdoor section

Far Cry 3
Paradise island shooter where you try to rescue your friends, kill a crazy person and do drugs. All ancient temples is also build in the style of Indiana Jones. They collapse when you pick up the artifact. Gameplay gets a bit on repeat and with the crashes i gave up in the end.

Far Cry 5
Shoot people in Montana and free them from a crazy cult. To solve the open world issue the the player gets captured to be forced into cutscenes. I lost count but it most be close to captured twenty times in the end. Don't think i can be lured into a cult as i got bored so fast by the endless pointless ramblings of the villans. Did a nope and stop playing in the end as i could not take it anymore.

Far: Changing Tides
A walking simulator where you mostly swim and sail among the ruins of a lost civilization. Not much happens beside the sightseeing and a some really really simple puzzles.