Shooter FPS
Shoot people from a First person perspective.

Spear of Destiny
Prequel to Wolfenstien 3D where the player try to recover the Spear of Destiny from the nazis by killing more or less all of them. Not much new in this one really.

Wolfenstein 3D
One of the first-person shooters and also the basic template for all future ID Software games :). You take the role of a American soldier on a mission to win WWII on his own by running around looking for keys, killing people and collecting and shooting people and collecting treasure.

Blake Stone: Aliens Of Gold

Well it do make sense for anyone that has played the game.

Mother of all First person shooters (ok, wolfenstien was first but it was boring). In this game you are stuck on one of the moons on Mars guarding the geeks that work there and then a experiment goes wrong (like they always do) and the portal to hell opens up and demons attack and rip your friends apart. You need to slay the hordes of hell and stop them. Fun both in single and multiplayer, co-operative rules . Coolest weapon must have been the plasma gun and the chainsaw, I like the idea that they had any use of a chainsaw in space :)

The Terminator: Future Shock
I started playing it as I had nothing better to play and it turned out to be one of the best games I played for along time . It catches the theme nicely and you get do drive around in a jeep and fly a hover craft.

Doom 2: Hell on Earth
You returned to earth at the end of doom and find out that your friends from hell have arrived before you. More monsters that need to die, more levels and also a nice double shotgun for you to use.

Heretic: Shadow of the serpent riders
Two new episodes to Heretic sold as a new retail game.

Rise of the Triad
First person shooter were your task is to once again stop some mad man with a goal to kill the world. Some fun weapons in this game.

Blake Stone Planet Strike
More weapons, monsters and walls to push around, not more fun :|.

Hexen: Beyond Heretic
The story continues from Heretic and now in another world with the serpent rider Korax that need to die. This time you get to choose to play one of three characters at the start of game and each one has his own unique weapons and ability?s The game also use a hub system where you travel between many of the levels many times solving puzzles so it's not the straight find the exit gameplay of Heretic.

Master Levels for Doom II
Expansion pack to Doom 2 with 21 new levels. They are not connected so you start without any weapons beside the pistol on each level.

Star Wars: Dark Forces
First of a series of First-person shooter games in the world of star wars. In this first one you play as a mercenary namned Kyle Katarn that work for the Rebel Alliance and your learn about and try to stop the Empire's development of a new form of super soldier, the Dark Trooper.

Duke Nukem 3D
Take to role of Duke Nukem and kill aliens, pig cops and save the babes. Unlike to rest of the faceless heroes of other first person shooters Duke is a one man show on his own and drop one-liners as often as he drops aliens. In the game you go around the levels and kill of more or less anyone that look at you except some babes. To help you with that you have a guns, big guns and guns that shrink the enemy or freeze them so you can kick them into ice shards. All in all a great game and keep in mind that if they aliens try to take our babes the aliens need to die.

Final Doom
Two more campaigns for Doom 2, The Plutonia Experiment and TNT: Evilution with 32 levels each. Really difficult and you have to walk around looking for each and every spare bullet you can find.

First-person fantasy shooter with three episodes that you can play in any order. Each level is simply about finding the exit and to kill anything that stands in the way and your goal in the end is to destroy one of the serpent riders namned D'Sparil.

Hexen: Deathkings of the dark citadel
Expansion with new levels where you go to the realm of death.

Worthless singleplayer with a story that seems to been done on a coffee break. In singleplayer you explore four different episodes with a number of levels and the goal of each level I simply to shoot your way to the exit. At the end of each episode you find a magic rune that you take with you and when you have all four runes a secret path in the hub that connects all the episodes open up and you can go and kill Shub-Niggurath, the final boss. The singleplayer campaign can also be played in co-op and it makes it a bit more fun :).

Multiplayer is deathmatch and fun but the thing that made Quake epic was how easy it was to modify and the number of modifications that was made for the core game.

A fifth episode, Dimension of the past, was released for the Quake 20 years anniversary in 2016 by Machine Games.

The Terminator: SkyNET
More action in the world of the insane machines.

First person shooter action game with levels connected into a large world. Do quest and chat with the characters before you put a arrow into them. All the scientist in the evil organization try to make excuses but i leave no one alive. The level design feels a bit bad at times. It looks nice but the puzzles have a lack of logic to it.

First-person shooter where you play Caleb, a cult member that was killed by the evil god he worshiped and now returns from the grave for revenge. Lots of blood, gore and references to horror films.

Blood: Blood Plasma pak
Second expansion pack for blood with one new episodes where you keep exterminating your old cult members even after the evil god himself is dead.

Blood: Cryptic Passage
First expansion pack for Blood with a new episode of levels with Caleb trying to retrieve a ancient scroll.

Hexen II
Final chapter in the story of the Serpent riders from Heretic/Hexen and this time it's the last one, Eidolon that need to die. Four character classes to choose from this time as you kill all the minions first then hunt down Eidolon.

Quake 2
First-person shooter that have nothing to do with Quake besides the name. It has a better story (they did it over lunch) but it's nothing to think to much about. The player is in the role of a Marine ( no hair ) that take part of an attack against an alien race called the Strogg. The attack more or less fails and the player is one of the few who survive so it's up to the player to kill of all the aliens including the Strogg leader Makron. You also get objectives to follow in the game so it's more of a linear battle across the levels you go through. Railgun weapon was fun.

Multiplayer works like Quake with deathmatch, capture the flag and you can also play the whole game in co-op. Like Quake this game was easy to modify so there where many cool mods made for it. I played mostly Capture the flag and 3TCTF, a mod with three teams playing capture the flag.

Quake Mission Pack 1: Scourge of Armagon
More weapons, levels and monsters for Quake in case you thought the story ;) of the first one was epic and you need more.

Quake Mission Pack 2: Dissolution of Eternity
Even more things for Quake.

Redneck Rampage
Good Psychobilly music and a big nope on the gameplay.

Star Wars Jedi Knight - Dark Forces II
The story continues in this second game about Kyle Katarn as he learns about his father has been killed by a Dark Jedi to learn the secret of something called The Valley of the Jedi and Kyle goes on to find it and track down his father's killers. While doing that he learns about the force powers he never know he had and you get to use light and dark powers and also a lightsaber. There are a light and a dark side ending to the game depending on how you play and this two side path would later show up in all the following Jedi Knight games.

Shadow Warrior
Do you want to wash wang? Or do you want to watch Wang wash wang?

In Half-life you play Gordon Freeman, a new employ at the Black Mesa research facility. Like always the experiment goes wrong and portal is open to another world and monsters attack. Our hero picks up some guns and the game turn into a very nice first person shooter. Overall a great game but with some sections a bit to long. The end is also long and boring.

Quake 2: Ground Zero
Expansion pack to Quake 2

Quake 2: The Reckoning
Expansion pack to Quake 2

Redneck Rampage Rides Again
Nope Nope Nope.

Redneck Rampage: Suckin' Grits on Route 66
Still Nope.

Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Mysteries of the sith
Expansion fo Jedi Knight - Dark Forces II that takes place some year after that game. In this on you get to play as both Kyle and his apprentice Mara Jade.

First-person shooter where a prison ship with the player as a prisoner crash on a alien planet called Na Pali and the player need to escape from it. You fight the evil Skaarj that now rule the planet and get some help from the Nali, the former rulers. Nice levels to explore but it feels wasted on a first-person shooter.

Blood II: The Chosen
Unimpressive sequel to Blood.

Shadow Warrior: Twin Dragons
Ancient chinese secret.

First-person shooter set during the Vietnam War. Techology was moving fast in 98 and this game was horrible outdated when released. Duke nukem still works in 2020 but it played to the strengths of the build engine, not fighting against it.

Aliens Versus Predator
In this game there are three different campaign. One each for Colonial Marines, Predators and aliens. The alien is the most fun one and it feels good to crawl around in the roof and drop down on the defenceless humans as they scream in fear. To bad that the game is so short as it only contain the standard number of first person shooter levels split in three parts.

Unreal: Return to Na Pali
Expansion to unreal were we get to learn what happened to our hero after the events in unreal. Not that epic really :(.

The Wheel of Time
Take on the role of one of the Aes Sedai from the wheel of time book series. Instead of spells Ter'Angreal artifacts are used so you can find them and consume them in the game. Think guns, ammo and power ups. Long cut-scenes that tell the story filled with people slow to get to the point. Gameplay is bit on repeat with the same few spells for combat.

John Romeros Daikatana
I'm always impressive when someone puts their own name in the title of something that they have done, must be when you are Really proud of the thing. This game is a first-person shooter where you travel in time using magical sword called the Daikatana. You do it to change the history of the world and in the process you visit a number of different time periods. All in all not much to write home about in this game until you get to enjoy the computer controlled sidekicks that 'help' you with your mission. These retards are my main reason to hate this game, the blurb on the box tell me they have 'superior artificial intelligence' but why then do I spend most of the game trying to avoid them killing themselves or running into them to get them unstuck. Avoid this game and read about it instead, it's more fun to read about the development history then it is to play it.

Soldier of Fortune
There was a time when gore was all that was needed to make a game. This is not fun.

Aliens Versus Predator 2
Worse then the first game. Short one way level and even alien style is boring :(.

Call of Duty 2
Second game in the Call of Duty World War II series of games and once again with three campaigns to play, Russian, English and American. There is no choices to talk about in this game and you walk along the pre set path and and face up to the scripted sequences in the game. The game is mostly about moving forward towards the enemy as a simple grunt in a group of and shooting at everything. You also get the chance to drive some tanks for a change of scenery but as it takes place in the desert it s not much to look at anyway .The game can also be played in multi player but still no coop. There is a team game mode by the name of headquarters were you capture a control point and then defend it. It was a bit nice but the rest is the same old death match and capture the flag. There are also a fun death cam were you see the kill from they eyes of the one that killed you.

Half-Life: Blue Shift
Play half life from the perspective of a guard at black mesa. Short game that really does not add much to the half life world.

Red Faction
Take the role of a revolutionary mine worker on Mars fighting against the evil doers. The fun part of this game is for sure the possibility to shoot apart most things in the game like walls, floors and so on. Takes some time to get used to that you can shoot yourself down to the next floor :).

Return to Castle Wolfenstein
Take the role as B.J. Blazkowicz in this first person shooter that takes place in WWII. You are at Castle Wolfenstein exploring the SS Paranormal Division and the way to do it is by killing anyone within the distance of a sniper rifle. Like far cry this game starts out good but gets a bit boring when facing the evil zombies and other hell spawns.

Serious Sam: The first encounter
Only the fact that you can play the whole game in coop saves it from abyss.

This is a first person shooter horror game and it s not that bad but it has some things that mess it up. The game takes place around 1920 and your character in the game travel to Ireland to visit a friend and when you arrive he dies in a curse that have killed everyone in his family. You then try to remove the curse to let your friend rest in piece. You see the world from a first person perspective and use your guns and magic spells to kill those that try to kill you. The really cool spell in the game is the Scrye spell that makes it possible for you to see things such as visions of the past or see the true dark nature of things in the world. Like walking around and using it on the paintings in the mansion. The bad thing about this game is how linear it is. You often only have one way to walk and sometimes you only cross a corridor before you hit a new load zone and it really breaks the flow of the game.

America's Army: Operations
Game made by the American Army to show how great they really are. Good team play game if you can ignore the constant brain dead message of how great the Army is.

Battlefield 1942
First-person shooter action game that take place at the time of the second world war. In each battle the goal is to capture and hold more control points then the enemy and make him run out of supplies first. There are four theatres of operations in the game, Pacific , North Africa , Eastern Europe and Western Europe. Each theatre have a number of battlefields and you get the chance to play both Germany, USA, Japan, UK and Russia.

In the game you can drive tanks, boats and also fly planes. Not a realistic simulation but fun. You also get to pick your infantry class each time you respawn in the game and you can choose to be a scout, assault, anti-tank, medic or engineer.

Red Faction 2
The fight goes on from red faction but now it takes place on earth. Fun to run around with mech's and submarines but not really that great.

Soldier of Fortune II: Double Helix
Not that fun :(.

Star Wars Jedi Knight II - Jedi Outcast
After cutting his link to the Force in after the events in Jedi Knight: Mysteries of the sith Kyle once again work as a mercenary with Jan Ors for the New Republic. All things go well until a stupid Dark Jedi kill's Jan and Kyle run off to the Valley of the Jedi to regain his lost power so he can hunt down the dark jedi.

Medal of Honor: Allied Assault
Time to storm Omaha Beach and die. Alot. Nice mix of action and stealth mission where stolen id pappers is used to move around. Crazy difficulty on some levels and every health and ammo box is required.

Medal of Honor: Allied Assault - Spearhead
First expansion pack with three new missions. No undercover ones :(.

Battlefield 1942: Road to Rome
First expansion pack to Battlefield 1942. Adds Italy as a new theatre of war and it contains six new battlefields.

Battlefield 1942: Secret Weapons of WWII
Battlefield 1942 expansion pack. Contains some of the strange weapons that were in development under the war. More fun then practical most of them.

Call of Duty
First-person shooter that puts you in the boots of a infantry soldiers in World War II. Uncommon for many other games of the same time you played each mission with the help of your computer controlled allies. Most missions are linear and simple so most of the time they act as cannon fodder and you need to complete most of the mission objectives on your own. There are three campaigns, the American, British and the Soviet one and you play a different soldier in each one.

Halo: Combat Evolved
First-person shooter where you drive and walk around in the same areas over and over again and shoot the same strange little gnome like creatures. You take the role of a super soldier called Master Chief that after a desperate escape from evil aliens fall out of hyperspace beside the a mystical ring in space, the Halo. The aliens with the name of The Coventant also drop by and then it turns into a minor war on and about the control of the Halo and to find out what it does.

Gameplay is like in most other first-person shooter but this game was the one that really get that regenerating shield/health thing stated where you simply take cover for a while to recharge it.

Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
Final game in the Jedi Knight series for and now you play the character of Jaden Korr, a student at the Jedi Academy run by Kyle Katarn from the previous games. This time you take missions assigned to you by Katarn and Luke Skywalker and this time you have the option to chose what missions to do and in what order.

Unreal II: The Awakening
The only fun thing in this game is your half nude female first officer and it is not a good thing in a game. In short it all feels like a first-person shooter like all the others with the stupid soldiers you have to work with on a level or two so they can say they have great artificial intelligence in the game and your stupid ship mates that are so clich? that you almost throw up. When some of your team mates finally drop dead you do not miss them but rather wish you could walk up and hug the monsters for killing them.

First-person shooter based on the XIII comic. Your character use guns and gadgets to uncover the mystery of his identity and a evil plot to destroy the USA. The game has a great cel-shaded art style but it it is a little weak in the gameplay at times.

Medal of Honor: Allied Assault - Breakthrough
Second expansion pack with three missions set in north africa, Sicily and Italy.

Battlefield: Vietnam
Fight in the jungle and swamp settings with good music from the period when the games take place.

Call of Duty: United Offensive
Expansion to Call of Duty with more missions.

Doom 3
Doom was action and Doom 3 try to be a horror game. But it does not work as everything is so predictable that one almost fall asleep. Every monsters stands where you think it will and the only horror is when you walk to the next level and see that it is the same sci-fi labs environment as the last one. There are max three monsters at once and the first time you meet a new monster they break the flow with a worthless cut-scene to show it off. Doom I and II are great games and Doom 3 does not deserve to use the same name.

Far Cry
This game takes place on some paradise islands were you, the hero in a red shirt have taken your boat with a nice girl when someone choose to blow your boat to small parts. The only response is to get all the guns you can and kill them all . The great thing about this game is the nice environment setting with a green island with a nice blue water were you can walk around and almost feel like you are there on a vacation, if you ignore the fact that there are people with guns trying to kill you . It gets more boring when you get inside and face up to the clich? indoor first-person shooter kill evil mutant Nazis gameplay but you simply have to push on to the next outdoor section

Half-Life 2
Gordon Freeman is back and now the aliens have invaded earth. The game takes place in and around City 17, a city controlled by the invading forces and besides running and shooting you also get the chance to drive a boat and a car. The game has the same problem as Half-Life with areas were they run the same idea for to long and it grows tiresome. The story is also bad, it feels like a movie with some good action scenes that don t really fit together that well.

Halo 2
Second part in the halo series and this time your time is split between playing two characters with to simultaneous story lines. The first one follows Master chief and the second one follows the Arbiter who is the alien who failed to defend the Halo against the Master chief and friends in the first game. The campaign can be played with two players in split screen and the game also had a nice double-wield support where you could mix weapons.

First person shooter that try to bring back the old days so in each area the door is locked behind you and then you have to kill everything to move on to the next area. This game is insanely boring, the enemy?s are all stupid and all the weapons suck. Repetitive music also.

Painkiller: Battle Out of Hell
Expansion to Painkiller with ten more levels and two new weapons. All in the same style as before so really unfunny

The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from butcher bay
Walk around, punch people out and say as many one liners as you can. This is a mix of action, adventure and stealth game. One fun thing with the game was the commentary mode in the developer version of the game were there are little icons on the levels that you can click to listen to the developers comments about the game, most of them talk about how late they put in all the things in the game

Metroid Prime: Hunters
Gather eight Octoliths to find the way to the Ultimate Power. Like all Metroid games you do that by exploring, getting powerups and fighting boss battles but this game also have other bounty hunters that fight you and try to steal the octoliths you have found. The major flaw in this game is the boss battles that are all similar and the control system that makes it painfull in the hands to play a bossfight without taking a pause from playing. The game took 7.48 hours to complete and i landed on the really small number of 62% complete.

Men of valor
Shooter set in the Vietnam war. Shoot things, reload, shoot things, get lost among the foilage and shoot some more.

Battlefield 2
Second part in the Battlefield series. Modern weapons and vehicles are used in the game so you can now drive around in a M1A2 tank and fly around in a F/A-18 Hornet if you feel like it. There are seven classes in the game: assault, snipers, spec ops, engineers, medics, support and anti-tank and it is possible to form groups with other players so you can work as a team more easily. One player can act as the commander and can order all the groups around on the map and also use commander assets like satellites and artillery to find and destroy the enemy. Extra fun game when you find yourself in a good squad with good teamwork.

Battlefield 2: Special Forces
Expansion to battlefield 2 were you take the role of some special forces around the world. Some new maps and each class now also have a new ability like grappling hook for the assault class. Still battlefield 2 so not really that much different.

Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil
This is a basic Doom 3 expansion without any real value. All bad things on Doom 3 still apply and they also added a new weapon that works the same as the Gravity Gun in half life 2. There is not much use for it as so few things in Doom 3 can be interacted with.

F.E.A.R. First Encounter Assault Recon
Not much fear in this game as the name might make you believe There are some fun things like flashbacks and ghost images but not much of it is put to good use so once again you find yourself running around shooting at things in the same hallways as always

Quake 4
The story goes on from Quake 2 and this game takes ideas from Halo, Starship troopers and Half-Life and it does not go that well. You play another space marine this time and you have to fight of new Makron that they Strogg has created. Mostly I found the gameplay tiresome and I hate games that have a 'jump past three traps in a row' section. There is a part in the story when the player get put inside a machine to turn him in a Strogg and it was fun to see but it was not used well by the story.

Shadow Warrior: Wanton Destruction
Man who buy drowned cat pay for wet pussy.

Well no this game is really not that fun.

Battlefield 2142
Battlefield set in the year 2142 with two factions fighting each other over the last life supporting places on the earth. It does not feel that different from Battlefield 2 so I think I keep playing Battlefield 2 until something better shows up.

F.E.A.R Extraction Point
Expansion to Fear where the story pick ups right after the end of the original game. Still the same problems as before with to much reuse of the same events time after time and it s not long before you sleep you way through another the-ring-girl-in-dark-corridor-approaching sequence. There is really no fear in this game but it rather feels like a bad mix of doom 3 and the movie the Ring.

Half-Life 2: Episode One
First chapter in the episodic releases of the follow-up to Half-Life 2 where you as Gordon Freeman and your sidekick Alyx try to escape the City 17 before the Citadel reactor explodes.

Evil aliens try to destroy our world and you have to stop them. Nice use of portals and gravity in this game. You can also use your spirit form to run around and it is used to solve some puzzles.

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
Call of Duty series moves of into the modern day with this game. You play is first-persopn view most of the time and you switch between and number of characters to take part of all the events in the campaign. The story is the stupid hogwash one expects from something that takes many cool scenes and then try to string them together

You play a super soldier sent to stop a korean invasion that turn out to be a alien invasion. Nice island to walk around in and like crysis the game is the most fun while you don't have to fight the stupid alien/zombie/mutants/whatever.

Half-Life 2: Episode Two
Second episode from Half-Life 2 and this time you are outside the city trying to get to a resistance base called White Forest. You get a car in this episode and spends a lot more time in open terrain driving around.

Halo 3
Final game in the Master chief halo series for now. The Arbiter and friends has joined up with humanity to fight The Covenant and you once again take to role of Master Chief to save the day. Played this one in co-op to and don't really remember much from the story other than the fact that each new area you enter is so filled with epic music and dramatic cut-scenes that you almost puke. In co-op one player takes the role of the Chief, the second one the Arbiter and the two last players will play as aliens of the same race as the Arbiter and it all work out great with all the cut-scenes fixed for it to.

Painkiller Overdose
Another painkiller game and it is as bad as the first one.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl
First-person shooter set in Chernobyl exclusion zone in a fictional future. Strange anomalies and artifacts show up in the area and you go into the zone to find valuable artifacts to sell and also to find Strelok, someone that your PDA tells you to kill. Real nice atmosphere in this game and also epic bugs that destroy the game. Like that the game keeps running and kills you when looking at cutscenes or that the enemy that just killed you know where you are even when you have loaded a game where you did not even meet him yet.

Medal of Honor: Airborne
Fun to start each mission with a parachute jump where one can choose where to land.

Shooter where you can manipulate time. You can slowdown, pause and rewind time. Use it to shoot people better and to perform some basic puzzles. Sometimes i got stuck and checked a guide and remember that there was a time gimmick to solve the things with. Bit of a weak execution when the player forget about the existence if the games unique feature.

Battlefield: Bad Company
Battlefield game with single player focus this time. Fight, collect gold and enjoy the wisdom of your fellow soldiers.

Call of Duty: World at War
World War II again in Call of Duty but a bit more open-ended this time with more ways to do each missions. The major important change is the support for co-op multiplayer with up to four players in campaign and that alone makes the game a whole lot more epic.

Crysis Warhead
Play the events of the first Crysis game from the perspective of another soldier on the other side of the island. Really more of a expansion with more of the same.

Frontlines: Fuel of War
First-person shooter where the whole world has fallen apart and from lack of oil and now the two factions left battle it out for the last few barrels. More of a multi player game really but it also has a single player campaign. Nice cut scenes and the game contains many strange gadgets the classes in the game can use.

Play as a soldier fighting for the Mantel cooperation while high on drugs. The drug Nectar gives you improved performance in the game and later on in the game you learn that it also makes you ignore all the horrible things you have done. Later on you switch side and fight against your former friends and also get a chance to do all the vehicle sections and other things any generic shooter contains. The land carrier was the only fun idea but it's wasted like most things in this game.

Shooter where you can manipulate the ground. By raising it a few meter up or down. I was bored before the the tutorial section ended.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Second part of the Modern Warfare series and the story is so bad and over the top that the only sane thing is to ignore it and never talk about it again. The gameplay is otherwise still the same with many cool scenes and events that you get to enjoy and the most epic thing of all is the Special Ops missions that can be played in co-op with another player.

F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin
More hallways and store rooms with huge fire fights and still not much in the way of fear. The level designers for the game need basic training in learning to place triggers, I spent most of the games trying to see the things I was supposed to see each time there was a spooky sound but I more or less missed them all. It's like a game that can't choose if it would like to be action or horror and so it does not it any high on any of them.

Terminator Salvation
Shooter based on the movie.

The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena
Remake and addon to Escape from butcher bay.

Killzone 2
The playstation exclusive shooter that stand against xbox Halo series. No idea what killzone story is about. I guess the guys with glowing red eyes are like evil so thats why we shoot them. Game is not that good enough to motivate me to bother finding out why.

Aliens vs Predator
Nice but stupid AI on the marines really destroy the game. It's no fun to stalk the humans as a alien when they are to stupid to even notice that someone dies right in front of them. Then when you play as human you have to suffer with them repeating the same stupid line of dialogue the whole game. The three way story do not really work that well also, minor point really but when you play the whole games it would be nice for it to be good.

Battlefield: Bad Company 2
Go around the world with the others of the Bad Company and try to stop the Russians from using a old Japanese super weapon from WWII. Nice environments but a bit tiresome vehicle sections.

Metro 2033
First-person shooter video game based on the Metro 2033 novel by Dmitry Glukhovsky. The basic concept follows the book and you play Artyom that try to reach Polis. There are more action in the game, more visits to the surface and many of the people from the book you meet in in other places. Really good environments in the game and both the tunnels and the stations look great. Your flashlight always work but you can use a dynamo to charge it to be brighter for a while so it is a good mix of fear of the dark and still able to play. Besides to flashlight you can also power up your pneumatic weapons to make more damage. You can use the normal guns but bullets are also used as currency so it is worth to save on the cash by using the air guns.

The thing i had most problems with in the game is the fact that you spend many parts of the game with other characters following you. There are some great characters in the game but there are some scenes in the game that would be wonderful survival horror experiences that get destroyed by a character talking about it as it happens. The level Ghosts would be epic if not for Khan following you talking about everything like a bad exercise in exposition.

Medal of Honor
The game takes the linear game-play experience to a new level. It might look like a mountain or town but everything is a corridor now. The problem with that is that you can walk two ways in a corridor so they added ledges everywhere to stop you from going back. A normal weak developer might have stopped there but the people that make MoH series are not made of the same material as normal people. They realized that the player still had the choice of standing still and son, you do not get a Medal of Honor by standing still. So to make you into a hero that moves you always have a buddy with you. One that spends every moment telling you what to do next while also spewing out bad military jargon. Yes, he do it all the time. No it never stops. Never. Stop for 5 seconds and he will nag you to move forward the only possible way. No, he can not die. The only upside is that the game is only four hours long and one of them die in the end.

Call of duty: Black Ops
One common activity in classic adventure games was pixelhunting. It is when you sit and click with the mouse all over the screen trying to find something you can interact with. Not the most fun way to play a game and I'm not sad that we have lost that part of gaming. So you can imagine my surprise when i find myself doing it again in Call of duty: Black Ops, a game from 2011. Well to be honest I'm not really hunting pixels but the activity is as fun. What I'm trying to do is to follow orders so i can progress in the game. I need to do it in the precise way the developers designed it to be done. If i take one step of the given path, stand still half a second to long or fail to stack up to the correct door the mission fails. And my only guide is a npc to follow and once every 15 seconds someone scream at me what to do next. Stand there, shoot them, pick up rocketlauncher, shoot helicopter, reload, down the foxhole, look at shitty cutscene and shoot some more. I hate this game. It's a stupid rail shooter where the rail is invisible.

Battlefield 3
Battlefield and now with a single player section. You spend most of the time in the single player game running behind someone from one piece of scenery to another. The story is told well but it is something about nukes as always. The sad part is that you really do not get to drive or fly that much and when you do it scripted to death. I enjoyed the Russians missions the most as they had such a pessimistic view of it all :)

Crysis 2
Shoot people in the city for a change of scenery.

F.E.A.R. 3
More misplaced triggers and not much more. The writer of the story must be be paid by the number of lines as people talk on with nothing to say. Possible to replay the game with another character but i hated him the first time i played so why suffer more.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
Cool scenes and a stupid story to tie them together is still the rule for these games so try to ignore it and just play. So the Russians sailed a submarine into the east river and we now need to hijack it. Why not, give me a gun and a flag and off we go.

Duke Nukem Forever
Fist-person shooter that is overall really bad. The best part is when one is hit by the Shrink ray. Some levels looks like they where made in 2000 and has not been updated since.

Red Faction: Armageddon
Not a bad third-person science fiction shooter but i do not feel much of the Red faction legacy in it.

The campaign is short and that is great as it is really bad. It's like a 4 hour quicktime event. Get escorted to area, stand on the right spot and shoot/press use button and then move on.

Spec Ops: The Line
Third-person shooter set in Dubai. Destructive sandstorms have ruined the city and the player takes the role of a small delta team that go in to find out what did go wrong with the evacuation of the city. Some of the environments is nice but everything else is below average. The story is formed by running from one badly designed game section to the next and getting a forklift of cut scenes in the face in between. It's not well done and one can see the plot points two levels before it happens. I really feel like the developers gave up on making the gameplay solid and added a thin layer of story instead. Then they throw down the art card and game critics then soiled themselves in a quest to use long words to describe how deep the game is.

It's not, it should been left under the sand to die in 2010.

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Future Soldier
Ghost Recon used to be cool, like Rainbow Six but today they are sad shadows of what they used to be. This version is a generic on the rails cover-based shooter. Some mission demands that you do not alert anyone and for them you just order around your team mates to kill everyone. Not that hard as they are invisible to the enemy and can shoot straight trough walls. There is no tactical shooter element left in this game.

Halo 4
More Master chief and more shooting of aliens.

Call of Duty: Black Ops II
No, still not fun.

Medal of Honor: Warfighter
They keep killing of side characters to try to get an emotional response from the player. Not that it works but give it 6 more games and it will be possible to play the game without the annoying team members.

Far Cry 3
Paradise island shooter where you try to rescue your friends, kill a crazy person and do drugs. All ancient temples is also build in the style of Indiana Jones. They collapse when you pick up the artifact. Gameplay gets a bit on repeat and with the crashes i gave up in the end.

Crysis 3
Super soldier time again. Cryris 3 is like the settings of Crysis and Crysis 2 merged into one game. Run around in a destroyed version of New york with trees, evil soldiers and aliens. Suit can be switched between ‘i shoot things’ and ‘i sneak around mode’. Gameplay was a bit meh to me.

Aliens: Colonial Marines
This game is a train wreck and the only good thing about it is that the environment sometimes manage to look nice. I will just note a few things that stand out by being extra bad. The game has sidekicks that are immortal, fails to do anything and that you can walk and shoot through. It really kills the setting when your sidekick is strolling around in the open and shooting aliens or tanks like nothing in the world could worry him. Not that he has to worry about the alien that much as most of them always run towards you. In this case running is switching badly between different animations that often fails to fit what the alien is doing. Then when they finally get close enough they use to the most comical zombie like animation possible to shamble towards you.

The only thing that could take my mind of the horrible way the aliens acted was the acting provided by the characters in the game as they tried to vomit their way along in the script. The story, voice over and the lore in this game is a crime against the alien franchise. It makes total sense that the end credits listed all people without any titles. No one wish to take the blame for this game.

Anyone that wish to play a aliens game is better of playing one of the older Aliens Versus Predator games.

Battlefield 4
After a step up in Battlefield 3 the single player is back at worthless levels again. So bad in fact that the thing that i compare this game to is Aliens Colonial marines. I'm running around with my annoying squad and i can't count the number of times i wished i could just shoot them and play alone. This game must have been written by writers of the retard school of 'everything is a conflict' and the team members can not say two words to each other without screaming about it. They are also window dressing as they can not be killed and are ignored by the enemy. So when i sneak around in the level they are standing beside the tank I’m trying to avoid. Immersion gets it in the face in this game. One of the few positive things with the single player was that it only crashed on me one time in the seven hours it took to play it. Multiplayer is more unstable and crashes and other bugs are not uncommon. Battlefield 4 feels and plays as Battlefield 3 so it is better to just play Battlefield 3 some more.

Call of Duty: Ghosts
So time to play COD: Ghosts. Only started by the story is already in WTF mode. #codghosts . So lets run after a guy. This is a #asswatchsim

And a dog to. Well i'm not a dog person, i prefer cats so i will not care when it dies. Your simple mind tricks do not work on me developers

'Sounds like trouble'. And so the military lingo bingo starts again. #codghosts

Omgz i can play as a dog. I call next ge... ... ohh nope. Back to door breaching. My misstake, still last last gen. #codghosts

'Looks like they went this way'. You don't say? They did go the only possible way in this straight corridor world? #codghosts

'Remember, move slow and do exactly what the level designer scripted for you. Do not try to think outside the box' #codghosts

'Get to the chopper' *sigh* #CODGhosts

This drone thing could be made fun but it's so scripted it feels pointless. And now my save is stuck so i need to replay the mission

'Welcome to the ghosts', 'we finish the mission'. A flooded city is nice place to fight in. I will hum the jaws theme as i sneak attack

Falling building and running after a guy. Yep still playing #CODGhosts.

And there was the helicopter section. And it fails to impress also. Nothing is that good with this game. #codghosts

'stay frosty'. Think they hit all the one liners in this game. Ohh and 'wait for it...' to, nice. #CODGhosts

No need for the rescure boats in the end of Atlas falls. All the innocent people on that rig died in a sea of flamming oil. #CODGhosts

Omgz, water level now. Must be time for that next gen Fish AI. Every gamedev team should have a Fishy AI Programmer position. #CODGhosts

So the factory builds space weapons and tanks one room apart. Even bond villains would point out the flaws in this design. #CODGhosts

Checkmate, the end, fin, extra credits for tacky piece of shit ending also. I hate this game. #CODGhosts

Metro: Last Light
Spend some more time in the Moscow metro in this sequel to Metro 2033. They have improved the game in almost every way. It's great to explore the environments both above and below ground. The only part that has failed to improve are the exposition spewing characters. Every part where there are another character leading you, and there are far to many, they keep on talking non stop about everything you see. Shut up and let me see the world for myself.

Wolfenstein: The New Order
Visit the 1960's where the Nazis has taken over the world with meachs and robotic guard dogs. Then Blazkowicz wakes up from his 14 years of coma to kill them. All of them. Real fun game and dual-wield of weapons is always cool :).

Wolfenstein: The Old Blood
Find out what happened before The New Order and why you always should bring a bottle of holy water when you visit castle Wolfenstein.

Halo 5: Guardians
More aliens to shoot and less Master chief. The game is split between our green hero and another spartan. He has a name for sure but as long as John-117 is around he will always be another spartan. They each have three friends so you are never alone in this game. Story is something about Cortana going insane. Nothing is solved this time around so the end credits is a punch in the face and a hint to wait until Halo 6. I hope they can make more then one boss to Halo 6 so they do not have to recycle him all the time like in Halo 5.

So fun. Get it now :).

Battlefield 1
A battlefield game set in World War I, or the Great War as it was known until the sequel. A good single player campaign with six different characters with seperate war stories about the war.

Homefront: The Revolution
The semi open world of Philadelphia is nice and you take over zones far cry style. The only thing that really annoyed me was the spawning and despawning of enemies. Stealth style is a bit hard when they sometime vanish into thin air or pop in from nothing. Story was bland and character was like dead wieght i did not care about.

Something that i did like was the mission requirement to shoot the surgeons that was working in the torture facility.

Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus
Not sure why I rate this one so much lower than the The New Order or The Old Blood. I really disliked the story and most of the characters in the new one. The cat was the best even if every other character ignored the obvious foreshadowing. Submarine base was cool to but submarines are always fun.

Star Wars Battlefront II
Game looks great, the AI is a bit meh and i stopped playing when they worthless characters from the new movies started to show up. The new characters in the game are fine but the story is a slice of stupid.

Battlefield 5
The return of the battlefield games to the second world war. A strange early access form of release with parts of the game filled with coming soon and future release dates for content. They used the war stories format from Battlefield 1 for the single player.

A retro-styled first-person game inspired by the best shooters from the 90's. Shoot everything and try to get to the exit. Good levels overall and some great ones.

Far Cry 5
Shoot people in Montana and free them from a crazy cult. To solve the open world issue the the player gets captured to be forced into cutscenes. I lost count but it most be close to captured twenty times in the end. Don't think i can be lured into a cult as i got bored so fast by the endless pointless ramblings of the villans. Did a nope and stop playing in the end as i could not take it anymore.

Generation Zero
Visit Sweden in 1989 if it had been invaded by killer robots. Bit repetitive gameplay loop but fun setting. Co-operative or do not play.

Doom 64
Takes ideas from both Doom and Doom II and have lots of original content. Fun to play and my only complaint is that levels are a bit small at times.

Call Of Duty: Cold War
The seventeenth version of the Call Of Duty theme park experience. Keep your guns inside the marked trail at all time and follow the orders the guide bark at you. Best way to play this game is to turn off the brain and turn the graphical settings to max. It's a real enjoy the moment with nothing that have a lasting impression. I got the most evil ending possible, sorry about that Europa.

Aliens: Fireteam Elite
Co-op survival shooter against aliens that try to hug your face. Not great not terrible.

Battlefield 2042
Nope 2042.

Halo Infinite
Open world snoozefest where 343 takes every bad thing they learned from creating Halo 4 and 5 and put it into a single game.

High on Life
Aliens invade and turn humans into drugs for aliens to get high on. Run around with living alien guns that talk and shoot the evil drug syndicate. The humor in the game from to gun is hit-and-miss. Sometimes fun, sometimes not but they were not as annoying as i thought they world.

Call Of Duty: Black ops 6
I enjoyed this more then the other call of duty games. Mostly i think it is that almost all missions have something new.