Dead Island Riptide


Done with Dead Island Riptide now and i did not like it.

XXX My feelings for the game match the ones Carlos have in this picture.

The Twelve


Reading The Twelve by Justin Cronin and it is epic as the first book (The Passage) in the series. I recommend it if you like to read a post-apocalyptic story with evil monsters :).

Playing Fallout - New Vegas


I’m at the end of the main quest line in the game but I hold it off until I complete the DLC’s. Done with Old World Blues and are working my way past the other three :).

The Night Eternal by Guillermo del Toro and Chuck Hogan


Two years has passed since the vampires blocked out the sun. Humans live in blood farms where the vampires milk them and only small groups of survivors continue to resist the vampire occupation. The people from the previous books now try to decipher the Occido Lumen, a book which may hold the key to defeat the vampires.


The Postman


Film with Kevin Costner based on the novel with the same name. Costner mills around as the Postman for three hours and fail to get anywhere or get anything done. Things that do not matter is said and everyone he meets try to call him the postman as many time as possible. Overall this is just to long and if you need a dosage of the end of the world read the book. [Read More]

The Fall by Guillermo del Toro and Chuck Hogan


The vampire now try to start to take over the whole world. Wealthy people are lured with promise of immortality as they start to kill anyone that could resist them. The heroes try to fight back as well as they can and it looks like they found an ally in some vampires that do not approve of the war.


The Strain by Guillermo del Toro and Chuck Hogan


A plane lands at an airport in New York but when the ground crew looks inside everyone on it is found dead. Soon the people who are investigating biological threats learn that the plane contained a vampiric virus and it is spreading fast. The team up with a survivor of the Holocaust who has been waiting for this. The vampires war on the humans is about to start.


The Passage by Justin Cronin


The U.S. government once again try to create super-soldiers. This time with the help from the virus of a bat found in the Bolivian jungle. It does not go well and the vampire-like beings get free and spread like wildfire and kill everything. The only one still alive and human after the experiment is Amy, a six year old girl. A century later the humans live in walled of compounds with the light shining all night, trying to survive when they get a new visitor from the outside world. [Read More]