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Homefront The Revolution

I played Homefront and the reboot, Homefront: The Revolution. North korea invades and occupy United States. The games are like some Red dawn style survavalist fantasy.

Homefront from 2011 was done Kaos Studios. It had a short campaign and that was great as it is really bad. It’s like a 4 hour quicktime event. Get escorted to area, stand on the right spot and shoot/use and then move on.

Homefront The Revolution from 2016 is made by Dambuster Studios. The semi open world of Philadelphia is nice and you take over zones far cry style. The only thing that really annoyed me was the spawning and despawning of enemies. Stealth style is a bit hard when they sometime vanish into thin air or pop in from nothing. Story was bland and character was like dead wieght i did not care about.

Something that i did like was the mission requirement to shoot the surgeons that was working in the torture facility.

Live by the evil scalpel, die by the bullets.

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