1975 - Jimmy Magnusson
- Game developer with 15 years of experience
- Specialties are AI, game engines and multiplayer
- Experience with Unreal, Unity, Stingray, inhouse and custom engines
- My primary programming languages are C++, Lua and C#
2021 Hiber
Hiber3D - Game engine for the web
- Senior Software Engineer
- Custom engine C++
2012-2021 Pieces Interactive
2020-2021 - Alone in the Dark - (Pc/Xbs/Ps5)
- Unreal Engine 4 C++
2020 - Titan Quest Console - (Xbo/Ps4/Swi)
- Port of Ragnarok and Atlantis to console
- Custom engine C++
- Performence improvement
2019 - Titan Quest: Atlantis - (PC)
- Lead programmer, managed 7 programmers
- Custom engine C++
2017 - Titan Quest: Ragnarok - (PC)
- Lead programmer, managed 3 programmers
- Custom engine C++
2016 - Kill to Collect - (PC)
- Programmer
- Unity C#
- Created behavior trees AI system
- Pathfinding in a procedural generated world
- Enemy behaviors
- Weapons/abilitys for players and enemies
2015 - Magicka 2 - (PC)
- Programmer
- Stingray C++ Lua
- AI Utility system Pathfinding Crowds
- Enemy abilitys
- Boss fights
2013 - Leviathan: Warships - (PC/Mac/iOS/Android)
- Programmer
- Unity C#
- Responsible for AI FSM system
- Created enemy behaviors
- Boss Fight
- Mission script system
- Shipyard UI
2011-2012 Legendo Entertainment - (PC/Mac)
2012 - Fortune Winds: Ancient Trader
- Programmer
- Port to Windows and Mac
- OpenGl
- FreeType and GUI programming
2010 A Different Game
Ghostwire: Link to the Paranormal (Cancelled)
- Lead programmer, managed 3 programmers
- C++
- Designing game engine for Nindento DSI
2010 Touring Exhibitions
ABBA museum in London
- System Developer
- C++
- Creation of interactive screens for the museum visitors
- Greenscreen photo and video capture
- Video and photo processing
- Upload to online servers
2006-2009 Grin
2009 - Bionic Commando - (360, PS3, PC)
- Gameplay programmer
- Diesel engine C++ Lua
- Responsible for core AI systems and enemy behaviors
- Boss fights
- Player cameras for ground and air movement
- Player weapons
- Multiplayer gameplay and matchmaking