Axels Magic Hammer
Platform game where you play a boy with a magic hammer that he use to kill of monsters and destroy blocks that hold powerups.

Chuck rock
Another platformer with the goal to save your girl, this time as the caveman Chuck. Belly punch stange creatures and throw rocks at them. The band playing in the main menu is more fun then playing the game.

Tomb Raider
Nice polygon mesh (and feminist enemy num one) that watched to many replays of Indy when she grow up. I always play it safe when I play with Lara and save a lot as I get this strange urge to let her jump from all high places I can find.

Tomb Raider II
More adventures with Lara. Not that bad but still no logic anywhere to be found. If I found a UZI clip in the tomb that been closed for 3000 years I would start to question the history of the world

Tomb Raider III: Adventures of Lara Croft
The kayak was cool

Tomb Raider: Chronicles
Everyone think that Lara is dead and her friends sit around the fire in her house and talk about her and you get to chance to play the missions that they talk about. Not that diffrent from the Last Revelation really

Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation
Our grave robber plunders another tomb and releases the god Set so he is free to destroy the world, not one of her best days. The game is then all about her trying to stop the evil god and her old mentor Von Croy who also have joined the dark side. We also get the chance to drive a jeep and a motorcycle.

War Zone
Two player vertical scrolling shoot'em up with 80's action hero aesthetic. Not horrible but i liked Dogs of war better.