This game is the final episode in the three parts that makes up the thief series and its sad to see it end in one big failure. This game was made by another company (Ion Storm) then those who did the first two games and credit to Ion Storm for fucking up a good series of game so much. Dont think anyone else would have the incompetence to pull this of.
The levels in the game are small and the game is also to easy and you can without any problem walk around like a killing machine and slay everyone you see without any problems at all. The tools are almost the same from the past games but no more rope arrows, now we can use the the useless climbing gloves that can only be used on walls set on the linear path in the game. All those reviewers that talk about the revolutionary horror level Robbing The Cradle only display proof of their own incompetence, go back to thief and play Haunted cathedral and you will see it has been done before. The game is also linear and when a choice has to be made it's is often useless like when you have to option to go into a door and a window and they both lead to the same empty rooms.
The only good thing about this game is the name. When translators translate b-movies to Swedish they often use use the word deadly as they don?t care to find a better name. TDS is not a b-game, you need to write in kanji to go have enough characters to put it in it's right place as far as possible at the end of the list.
Note about Movies: None of the Youtube movies that i link to are made by me and i include them only to give you a chance to see what the game looks like. Only the text and the smiley score act as my review of the game .