After a step up in Battlefield 3 the single player is back at worthless levels again. So bad in fact that the thing that i compare this game to is Aliens Colonial marines. I'm running around with my annoying squad and i can't count the number of times i wished i could just shoot them and play alone. This game must have been written by writers of the retard school of 'everything is a conflict' and the team members can not say two words to each other without screaming about it. They are also window dressing as they can not be killed and are ignored by the enemy. So when i sneak around in the level they are standing beside the tank I’m trying to avoid. Immersion gets it in the face in this game. One of the few positive things with the single player was that it only crashed on me one time in the seven hours it took to play it. Multiplayer is more unstable and crashes and other bugs are not uncommon. Battlefield 4 feels and plays as Battlefield 3 so it is better to just play Battlefield 3 some more.
Note about Movies: None of the Youtube movies that i link to are made by me and i include them only to give you a chance to see what the game looks like. Only the text and the smiley score act as my review of the game .