In this game you find yourself stuck on a space station with the insane computer Shodan. She have great plans for destroying earth and your goal is to stop her and flee from citadel station. I recommend playing the Enhanced Edition with mouselook, higher resolution and more quality of life features.
Role-playing game that continue the story from System Shock. This time you wake up aboard the space ship Von Braun and find that everyone is dead and there are some problems with the computer system. Shodan is back and her goal includes earth gone and you dead :).
This is a first person action game with role playing elements. You take the role of JC Denton, a anti-terrorist agent that travel the globe and try to find out the truth behind a evil conspiracy. It all takes place in a dark future around 2050.Your character have skills such as lock picking, swimming and some weapon skills and all skill start at the untrained level. Augmentations are another thing you can use to change your character and they give you ability s such as cloak and targeting systems. It s not possible to have all augmentations or master level in all skills so you need to choose the ones that fit your playing style.When you play you have to choose what sides to support in the game and who to thrust. There are some different endings in the game but that don t really matter that much.
So i played this game and put in the the score. Forgot to write the text for the review. I played it for 24 hours and got achievement for completing it. No memory of what i did in it all. With that score i guess i hooked up my mind to the grid and wiped myself.
Here I write what I think about the games I have played. The score is shown as a smiley before the title of the
Note about Movies:
None of the Youtube movies that i link to are made by me and i include them only to give you a chance to see what the game
looks like. Only the text and the smiley score act as my review of the game .