Third-person horror games with a good narrative, pacing and atmosphere. The games takes place in the fictional town of Bright Falls where a form of darkness takes over humans, animals and objects. All those taken by the darkness are impervious to attacks until they have been exposed to light that burns the darkness away. So in the game you are safe in the light and besides guns you also arm yourself with flashlights and flare guns.
Third and final episode of the 2010 Alien Breed trilogy. If i was tired of the gameplay in the first episode i was in hate mode in this one. Just let it end.
Aliens need to die in top-down perspective this time. It works but it gets really tiresome to repeat the same actions. Go to x, defend x, walk to y, defend y and repeat until exit.
Nice but stupid AI on the marines really destroy the game. It's no fun to stalk the humans as a alien when they are to stupid to even notice that someone dies right in front of them. Then when you play as human you have to suffer with them repeating the same stupid line of dialogue the whole game. The three way story do not really work that well also, minor point really but when you play the whole games it would be nice for it to be good.
Horror game where you explore a castle and solve puzzles. The only defense against the the monsters is to hide in a dark corner. The down side of this is that your sanity drains by being in the dark so you can not sneak around all the time. Looking at monsters also drive you crazy. This game is almost to scary to play.
Go around the world with the others of the Bad Company and try to stop the Russians from using a old Japanese super weapon from WWII. Nice environments but a bit tiresome vehicle sections.
Physic-based puzzle game where you navigate your ship through each level trying to collect more parts for your ship and find the exit. The ship is shaped like a ball with eight ports for extensions such as thrusters and beams to carry things. Each extension can be assigned a key so it is possible to have some extra thruster fire only when the tractor beam is active. Each puzzle is a chance to build another ship configuration and try a new way to solve things.
One common activity in classic adventure games was pixelhunting. It is when you sit and click with the mouse all over the screen trying to find something you can interact with. Not the most fun way to play a game and I'm not sad that we have lost that part of gaming. So you can imagine my surprise when i find myself doing it again in Call of duty: Black Ops, a game from 2011. Well to be honest I'm not really hunting pixels but the activity is as fun. What I'm trying to do is to follow orders so i can progress in the game. I need to do it in the precise way the developers designed it to be done. If i take one step of the given path, stand still half a second to long or fail to stack up to the correct door the mission fails. And my only guide is a npc to follow and once every 15 seconds someone scream at me what to do next. Stand there, shoot them, pick up rocketlauncher, shoot helicopter, reload, down the foxhole, look at shitty cutscene and shoot some more. I hate this game. It's a stupid rail shooter where the rail is invisible.
After flying into the Bermuda triangle you get teleported into another world where evil aliens plan to take over earth. You get a jetpack that allows you to switch between on-foot and air combat and it also makes it possible to fly up and take over the enemy flyers in the air. Flying them is fun but stealing them is not as the hand of Capcom has added quick-time-events all over the place. Game feels half completed in some areas and that seen mostly in the story that skip over some major events.
Take the role as War, one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. The world has ended and you run around and kill of angels and daemons that gets in your way.
Role-playing game where the roles are set and the playing takes care of itself. The only thing left is to follow the story and read every note to try to understand what is going on. All the characters overact like the voice actor had a gun to his head so it get's a bit tiresome after a while. The final nail for me was the combat. So repetitive and boring I gave it all up. So youtube for the rest of the story then.
Team-based multiplayer shooter in a western setting with four playable character classes. Each character has it's own unique synergy booster that affects nearby teammates so it's best to move as a team. My favourite character is the Trapper as you get a Buffalo rifle and a cool looking fox tail hat. One sad part is that the developers did not keep the 'eat the gun' animation in the final game when you clicked respawn without being dead. It was so fun :).
Puzzle-platform game in monochromatic black-and-white that use lightning and ambient sounds to create a great atmosphere. The player controls a boy looking for his sister and the dark world have many ways to kill you and often you walk in the traps even when you see them just to see how it would kill the boy.
The game takes the linear game-play experience to a new level. It might look like a mountain or town but everything is a corridor now. The problem with that is that you can walk two ways in a corridor so they added ledges everywhere to stop you from going back. A normal weak developer might have stopped there but the people that make MoH series are not made of the same material as normal people. They realized that the player still had the choice of standing still and son, you do not get a Medal of Honor by standing still. So to make you into a hero that moves you always have a buddy with you. One that spends every moment telling you what to do next while also spewing out bad military jargon. Yes, he do it all the time. No it never stops. Never. Stop for 5 seconds and he will nag you to move forward the only possible way. No, he can not die. The only upside is that the game is only four hours long and one of them die in the end.
First-person shooter video game based on the Metro 2033 novel by Dmitry Glukhovsky. The basic concept follows the book and you play Artyom that try to reach Polis. There are more action in the game, more visits to the surface and many of the people from the book you meet in in other places. Really good environments in the game and both the tunnels and the stations look great. Your flashlight always work but you can use a dynamo to charge it to be brighter for a while so it is a good mix of fear of the dark and still able to play. Besides to flashlight you can also power up your pneumatic weapons to make more damage. You can use the normal guns but bullets are also used as currency so it is worth to save on the cash by using the air guns.
The thing i had most problems with in the game is the fact that you spend many parts of the game with other characters following you. There are some great characters in the game but there are some scenes in the game that would be wonderful survival horror experiences that get destroyed by a character talking about it as it happens. The level Ghosts would be epic if not for Khan following you talking about everything like a bad exercise in exposition.
The main selling point for this game is the ability to walk inside and outside on the submarine. It's a nice function but it does not add anything to the gameplay. Using the bad controls to walk around and talk to your stupid crew with a single voice line each only makes you hate them. I will not even talk about the user interface, a oversimplified mess that takes away all the enjoyment of the simulation. Please sink this game to crush depth as soon as possible.
First person puzzle game where most are solved with a giant ball. Left mouse push the ball away and right mouse make the ball roll towards the player. Put the ball on buttons, destroy doors with it or use it to roll over monsters. Every time i had to leave the ball behind for a while i felt a bit sad.
Third World Of Warcraft expansion that update the old world from the first release and also add some new areas. Now it's possible to fly mounts in the old world.
Here I write what I think about the games I have played. The score is shown as a smiley before the title of the
Note about Movies:
None of the Youtube movies that i link to are made by me and i include them only to give you a chance to see what the game
looks like. Only the text and the smiley score act as my review of the game .