Call of duty: Black Ops
One common activity in classic adventure games was pixelhunting. It is when you sit and click with the mouse all over the screen trying to find something you can interact with. Not the most fun way to play a game and I'm not sad that we have lost that part of gaming. So you can imagine my surprise when i find myself doing it again in Call of duty: Black Ops, a game from 2011. Well to be honest I'm not really hunting pixels but the activity is as fun. What I'm trying to do is to follow orders so i can progress in the game. I need to do it in the precise way the developers designed it to be done. If i take one step of the given path, stand still half a second to long or fail to stack up to the correct door the mission fails. And my only guide is a npc to follow and once every 15 seconds someone scream at me what to do next. Stand there, shoot them, pick up rocketlauncher, shoot helicopter, reload, down the foxhole, look at shitty cutscene and shoot some more. I hate this game. It's a stupid rail shooter where the rail is invisible.

Call Of Duty: Black ops 6
I enjoyed this more then the other call of duty games. Mostly i think it is that almost all missions have something new.

Call of Duty: Black Ops II
No, still not fun.

Call Of Duty: Cold War
The seventeenth version of the Call Of Duty theme park experience. Keep your guns inside the marked trail at all time and follow the orders the guide bark at you. Best way to play this game is to turn off the brain and turn the graphical settings to max. It's a real enjoy the moment with nothing that have a lasting impression. I got the most evil ending possible, sorry about that Europa.

Call of Duty: World at War
World War II again in Call of Duty but a bit more open-ended this time with more ways to do each missions. The major important change is the support for co-op multiplayer with up to four players in campaign and that alone makes the game a whole lot more epic.

Die By The Sword
Once again a brave hero have lost his true love and need to go down the deep dungeons to rescue her from a ritual sacrifice. By this time one could think that all heroes should have learned their lesson and stayed home more as everyone's goal in life seems to steal their loved ones.We see our brave knight from a third person view as he hacks away at the ones that stand in his way. Not much more happens in this game as it's all about chopping the heads of monsters with your sword. The swords can be controlled by a system were you use the mouse to swing it but it's almost impossible to hit anything and rather then looking like a swordsman you die by the sword of the enemy if you try it. Can also be played in multiplayer but only with the same old death match like every other game.