Aliens: Colonial Marines
This game is a train wreck and the only good thing about it is that the environment sometimes manage to look nice. I will just note a few things that stand out by being extra bad. The game has sidekicks that are immortal, fails to do anything and that you can walk and shoot through. It really kills the setting when your sidekick is strolling around in the open and shooting aliens or tanks like nothing in the world could worry him. Not that he has to worry about the alien that much as most of them always run towards you. In this case running is switching badly between different animations that often fails to fit what the alien is doing. Then when they finally get close enough they use to the most comical zombie like animation possible to shamble towards you.

The only thing that could take my mind of the horrible way the aliens acted was the acting provided by the characters in the game as they tried to vomit their way along in the script. The story, voice over and the lore in this game is a crime against the alien franchise. It makes total sense that the end credits listed all people without any titles. No one wish to take the blame for this game.

Anyone that wish to play a aliens game is better of playing one of the older Aliens Versus Predator games.

I played this game at release. It was so bad.

ArmA: Armed Assault
Bohemia's follow up on Operation Flashpoint. This game is really worthless and it seems like they have done nothing in the six years since the last game. The game is close to unplayable with worthless AI, mission system that seems to fail more often then it works and a player control system that puts a brick wall of problems between the input you give and the actions of your character. In each mission you can look forward to the following three things, 1: Any transport you get in is driven by the most stupid soldier present in the whole army at that time, 2: Each time you try to use anything in the world you will hate the designer of the game, 3: Once every minute one of your soldiers will shout 'where are you'. My hopes for Carrier Command: Gaea Mission is really low after this game :|

Call of duty: Black Ops
One common activity in classic adventure games was pixelhunting. It is when you sit and click with the mouse all over the screen trying to find something you can interact with. Not the most fun way to play a game and I'm not sad that we have lost that part of gaming. So you can imagine my surprise when i find myself doing it again in Call of duty: Black Ops, a game from 2011. Well to be honest I'm not really hunting pixels but the activity is as fun. What I'm trying to do is to follow orders so i can progress in the game. I need to do it in the precise way the developers designed it to be done. If i take one step of the given path, stand still half a second to long or fail to stack up to the correct door the mission fails. And my only guide is a npc to follow and once every 15 seconds someone scream at me what to do next. Stand there, shoot them, pick up rocketlauncher, shoot helicopter, reload, down the foxhole, look at shitty cutscene and shoot some more. I hate this game. It's a stupid rail shooter where the rail is invisible.

Dead Island Riptide
Instead of fixing the bugs and problems in the first Dead Island they made a new game and this is not a worthy sequel. You can drive a boat now but it is slow and they get stuck everywhere You can defend your base at sections in the story and enjoy the worthless help of the non player characters. All in all a really low score and halfway into the game i noticed the spawning of enemies right beside me and that i do not accept in a zombie game.

Dear Esther
Looks good and it try to focus on the story but it really fails at it. You walk around painfully slow and look at the environment and listen to the narrator that try to fit as many metaphors as possible into each sentence. There is no way to interact at all so you can not really do anything else so for something that sole focus is the story it does not really deliver. The whole thing takes less then a hour and the major part of it is thanks to the really slow walking pace and the dead ends that contain nothing. In short it feels like the developer has taken a badly written short novel and turned it into a walk through experience.

Doom 3
Doom was action and Doom 3 try to be a horror game. But it does not work as everything is so predictable that one almost fall asleep. Every monsters stands where you think it will and the only horror is when you walk to the next level and see that it is the same sci-fi labs environment as the last one. There are max three monsters at once and the first time you meet a new monster they break the flow with a worthless cut-scene to show it off. Doom I and II are great games and Doom 3 does not deserve to use the same name.

Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil
This is a basic Doom 3 expansion without any real value. All bad things on Doom 3 still apply and they also added a new weapon that works the same as the Gravity Gun in half life 2. There is not much use for it as so few things in Doom 3 can be interacted with.

Dragonriders: Chronicles of Pern
Worthless camera angles makes the game unplayable and the stupid cutscene each time you move to a new area don t make it any better. Stupid gameplay also were you run around like a errand boy and help people with to most simple tasks and the dragons only act as some form of teleporter taxis. Burn the cd and move along please.

Instead of improving on Takedown: Red Sabre they did another game and this one is even worse then Takedown. Stay away. Stay far away.

F1 GP Circuit
Racing game where you always drive up the screen in cars such as McLoren and the Lotas. There is nothing good in this game really, bad music, bad art, bad gameplay. Did not manage to find any movie of this game and i will not pollute the Internet with one.

Gone Home
Walking sim where you arrive home and the house is empty. Gameplay is also empty and so are my feelings towards this game. I was not entertained.

Halo Infinite
Open world snoozefest where 343 takes every bad thing they learned from creating Halo 4 and 5 and put it into a single game.

The campaign is short and that is great as it is really bad. It's like a 4 hour quicktime event. Get escorted to area, stand on the right spot and shoot/press use button and then move on.

John Romeros Daikatana
I'm always impressive when someone puts their own name in the title of something that they have done, must be when you are Really proud of the thing. This game is a first-person shooter where you travel in time using magical sword called the Daikatana. You do it to change the history of the world and in the process you visit a number of different time periods. All in all not much to write home about in this game until you get to enjoy the computer controlled sidekicks that 'help' you with your mission. These retards are my main reason to hate this game, the blurb on the box tell me they have 'superior artificial intelligence' but why then do I spend most of the game trying to avoid them killing themselves or running into them to get them unstuck. Avoid this game and read about it instead, it's more fun to read about the development history then it is to play it.

The thing that impress me the most with this game is that they made it with Unreal Engine 3. It takes hard work to make something look as bad as this with Unreal Engine 3. The game fails in all ways possible with bad story, bad gameplay and bad music. Pretend this game is Pandoras box and do not open it.

Medal of Honor
The game takes the linear game-play experience to a new level. It might look like a mountain or town but everything is a corridor now. The problem with that is that you can walk two ways in a corridor so they added ledges everywhere to stop you from going back. A normal weak developer might have stopped there but the people that make MoH series are not made of the same material as normal people. They realized that the player still had the choice of standing still and son, you do not get a Medal of Honor by standing still. So to make you into a hero that moves you always have a buddy with you. One that spends every moment telling you what to do next while also spewing out bad military jargon. Yes, he do it all the time. No it never stops. Never. Stop for 5 seconds and he will nag you to move forward the only possible way. No, he can not die. The only upside is that the game is only four hours long and one of them die in the end.

Medal of Honor: Warfighter
They keep killing of side characters to try to get an emotional response from the player. Not that it works but give it 6 more games and it will be possible to play the game without the annoying team members.

Megarace 2
This was released one year after wipeout. No one should play this.

MegaRace: MR3
Play any of the four wipeout games or Rollcage instead of this.

Mortal Coil: Adrenalin Intelligence
One of the worst things in the game is the AI (and that was the games top selling point). There is almost impossible to climb the ladders in the game and the AI also always fails. I solved it be giving someone orders to climb the ladder and then when they started trying I shoot them. Each bullet pushes them a small amount up and it takes somewhere around 200 shoots from a M60 to get them to the top

First person shooter that try to bring back the old days so in each area the door is locked behind you and then you have to kill everything to move on to the next area. This game is insanely boring, the enemy?s are all stupid and all the weapons suck. Repetitive music also.

Painkiller Overdose
Another painkiller game and it is as bad as the first one.

Painkiller: Battle Out of Hell
Expansion to Painkiller with ten more levels and two new weapons. All in the same style as before so really unfunny

Phantasmagoria: A Puzzle of Flesh
This is the second part of the phantasmagoria series of games. All live action but still no fun and the few choices you make in the game only fell stupid and the movies are boring and the story is bad. There is only one real choice you need to use in this game and it is the exit key.

Redneck Rampage
Good Psychobilly music and a big nope on the gameplay.

Redneck Rampage Rides Again
Nope Nope Nope.

Redneck Rampage: Suckin' Grits on Route 66
Still Nope.

Roberta Williams' Phantasmagoria
This is a adventure horror game but the only real horror is to find out how bad it really is. This game was created in the early days of multimedia and FMV (full motion video) games. It uses real actors but the backdrop is computer generated. The story is something about a old house like always and I suggest you ignore it and instead use the seven CD's to something useful like putting them under a table.

Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2
This games real name should be Sniper Safari. In almost all levels you have a spotter that tell you where to sit and who to shoot. No thinking is required from you as a player. To make sure you do not think by mistake your buddy keep serving you with stupid comments. Such as stay frosty, game face, it's a little to quit and they do not pay me enough for this shit. If It takes you seven bullet to hit someone in the head you get the same restarted great shot from him. Not that it's matter if you miss that much. The chance that someone notice you is based on a single dice that roll around in the enemies empty heads. They miss you when you shoot them down in front of each other and then notice their buddy die on a cliff 200 meters away. The best part is when you manage to leave the reservation that the linear game play try to force you in. The whole game breaks and cat sleeps with dogs as they enemy try to hump your spotter to death by running into him.

Star Trek: Hidden Evil
Ensign Vim Log Stardate Unkown:

I got a work on Enterprise and boy does it suck. The same thing over and over again on each mission. I cant stand one more so I will use my energy gun to shoot myself so I get of this damn ship. End Log

Takedown: Red Sabre
Game that wish to be Rainbow Six and Swat 4 and fails in all ways possible. I you wish to play a game like that I recommend that you instead get any of the Rainbow Six games. Even they one from 1998 is better then this one.

The 7th Guest
One of the first full-motion video (FMV) video games. A house, six people invited, rooms with puzzles, watch video when puzzle is done and find the next room that opened up. When you got your first 1x speed cd-rom it was cool to see moving video but this has zero staying power beyoynd 1993. I dislike everything in this game.

The Dig
Pixel hunting game. No Phun

This linear disaster set another nail in the thief series coffin. I hate everything about this game and with Dishonored to compare with this game looks like a bad and painful joke. Extra points for the dramatic cut scene with a cheering crowd of two people. Was all the character crowd members busy signing up for Assassins Creed: Unity? Not that anyone would spent time in the City these days, it’s layout makes it less interesting then the window dressing city from Thief: The Dark project. A game i will play next to cleanse my soul of this vile piece of @£$€ game.

Thief: Deadly Shadows
This game is the final episode in the three parts that makes up the thief series and its sad to see it end in one big failure. This game was made by another company (Ion Storm) then those who did the first two games and credit to Ion Storm for fucking up a good series of game so much. Dont think anyone else would have the incompetence to pull this of.

The levels in the game are small and the game is also to easy and you can without any problem walk around like a killing machine and slay everyone you see without any problems at all. The tools are almost the same from the past games but no more rope arrows, now we can use the the useless climbing gloves that can only be used on walls set on the linear path in the game. All those reviewers that talk about the revolutionary horror level Robbing The Cradle only display proof of their own incompetence, go back to thief and play Haunted cathedral and you will see it has been done before. The game is also linear and when a choice has to be made it's is often useless like when you have to option to go into a door and a window and they both lead to the same empty rooms.

The only good thing about this game is the name. When translators translate b-movies to Swedish they often use use the word deadly as they don?t care to find a better name. TDS is not a b-game, you need to write in kanji to go have enough characters to put it in it's right place as far as possible at the end of the list.

X-COM: Enforcer
Third person shooter set in the X-Com game world where you take the role of a robot hunting down aliens and rescue human hostages. This game is horrible and everything in it is so substandard that one always cry in pain when playing it.