War in Middle Earth
Guide Frodo and friends to Mount Doom and drop of the ring while at the same time you handle the armies of the west. Nice mix of strategy and adventure game at the same time.

War Zone
Two player vertical scrolling shoot'em up with 80's action hero aesthetic. Not horrible but i liked Dogs of war better.

Warcraft II: Beyond the Dark Portal
Expansion to Warcraft II.

Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness
Real-time strategy game that takes place in a fantasy world. You can play as the orc's or the humans that fight each other in the Second Great war. Like all real-time strategy games you need to collect resources, build you base and get troops so you can complete your objective each mission. The graphic is in a cartoon style with fun voices on the troops if you poke them to much with the mouse.

Warcraft: Orcs & Humans
The game that started the Blizzard empire. Ok RTS.

Warhammer: Dark Omen
Real-time strategy game in the Warhammer world. Take the role as commander Morgan and order your army around on the battlefield and slay the evil orcs and undead. Fun talk between the battles was also :).

Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide
Co-op survival in the Warhammer Fantasy universe. Think Left 4 Dead but with more hammers and rats. It's a cool setting and another reminder that you are now stuck with the Age of Sigmar.

Turn based strategy where your goal is to take over the 80 cities on the realm of Illuria. Each city give you gold that you use to create armies to attack the other seven warlords.

Warlords II
Strategy based war-game.

Warm Up
Top-down racing game based on Formula 1. Go around the track until you get tired off it, crash into the wall and try to find something better to play.

What Remains of Edith Finch
Walking simulator that have some fun ideas how they present the story but the story is to weak for me to care. No movie for this one as the game is really short and anything would spoil something.

Wii Sports
Five sport mini games, Tennis, Baseball, Golf, Bowling and Boxing. It's main goal seems to be to teach the players how fun it is to stand around and wiggle the Wii Remotes in the air. If I had to pick one it would be golf but they are all really boring.

Wing Commander: Privateer
Adventure space flight simulator where that take place in the same universe as the Wing Commander series. Take the role as a privateer and fly around in the Gemini sector and choose if you wish to act as a mechant, a mercenary or a pirate. There is a plot to follow about a ancient artifact but it's fun to just fly around and take missions.

Wing Commander: Privateer - Righteous Fire
Expansion pack to Wing Commander: Privateer that add a new plot that starts with someone stealing parts of your ship and you need to take them back.

Wings of fury
Action game where you pilot a?plane in the Pacific during the WWII. You start of from your aircraft carrier and then attack islands where the goal is to destroy everything that the enemy have there.

Winter games
Try out some sports that are featured in the Winter Olympic Games.

Wizard of Wor
Arcade style shooter that supports two players.

Horizontally-scrolling platform game where you are a wizard that in the form of a green ball bounce around collecting colours. Well, you really are collecting power ups so you can summon your cat in the form of a smaller green ball to collect the colours. Fun game :).

I played this once. It had a Particle Cannon.

Wolfenstein 3D
One of the first-person shooters and also the basic template for all future ID Software games :). You take the role of a American soldier on a mission to win WWII on his own by running around looking for keys, killing people and collecting and shooting people and collecting treasure.

Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus
Not sure why I rate this one so much lower than the The New Order or The Old Blood. I really disliked the story and most of the characters in the new one. The cat was the best even if every other character ignored the obvious foreshadowing. Submarine base was cool to but submarines are always fun.

Wolfenstein RPG
Turn based first person shooter. Visit castle Wolfenstein and kill everyone that look at you the wrong way.

Wolfenstein: The New Order
Visit the 1960's where the Nazis has taken over the world with meachs and robotic guard dogs. Then Blazkowicz wakes up from his 14 years of coma to kill them. All of them. Real fun game and dual-wield of weapons is always cool :).

Wolfenstein: The Old Blood
Find out what happened before The New Order and why you always should bring a bottle of holy water when you visit castle Wolfenstein.

World of Warcraft
Massively multiplayer online role-playing game in the Warcraft world where you can play on the Alliance or the Horde side. Each side has four races you can choose to be and there is a total of nine classes to pick from. You get to do quest on your own and with other players as you explore the two continents of the world. Great game and real easy to get into ( harder to get out of :) ). I have played my human mage almost all the time.

World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth
Seventh expansion pack with two new continents and more races.

World of Warcraft: Cataclysm
Third World Of Warcraft expansion that update the old world from the first release and also add some new areas. Now it's possible to fly mounts in the old world.

World of Warcraft: Legion
Sixth expansion and the Burning Legion invades Azeroth. A new continent called the Broken Isles show up in Azeroth. This time you run around and power up a artifact weapons.

World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria
The fourth expansion for World of Warcraft adds a new playable race, the Pandaren and a new class, the Monk. The changed the talent trees also and not sure if it is better. Level 90 is the new top level and my Mage has a new goal in the game, collect items with no in game bonus but with fun effects. Like a ball of paint that you can throw on people to turn them orange.

World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade
Expansion to WOW that adds the Outlands as a new game world that high-level characters can go to and also makes it possible to use flying mounts, my mage now has a flying carpet :). The expansion also adds two new races (Draenei and Blood Elves) and possibility to reach level 70.

World of Warcraft: Warlords of Dreanor
Time travel back to Outlands before it was destroyed. Enjoy cut scenes of angry orcs that scream at each other. Fight on to level 100 level and build a custom garrison instance and send npc followers on missions. It’s nice but it also removes a bit of the multiplayer in MMORPG. Most of the time that was once spent in cities is now spent in the garrison and i did not team up with another player even once to quest. It used to be that only the party that killed a mob would get to loot but now anyone can loot it. That change seems to have killed off the random groups that player formed when questing along in the same area and it’s a bit sad. Still it’s a fun single player game and there is a toy box for all the fun useless item now. Score:

World of Warcraft: Wrath of The Lich King
Second expansion to WOW that adds the continent Northend in the old world and a new class, the Death Knight.

Cute worms with guns and grenades. Great fun.

Worms 2
Worms with guns is always a good thing and the concrete donkey must be one of the best weapons ever made

Worms Armageddon
More worms, more guns :)

Worms W.M.D
Play worms with tanks, helicopters and mounted weapons.

Wrecking Crew
Puzzle game with Mario and the goal is to use your hammer to run around and smash all the walls on each level. Some things you destroy can have side effects so you need to find the correct order to destroy everything in. Can be played in co-op multi player also and as always it is more fun. As most games like this it grows tiresome fast as most of the 100 levels are to much alike and you end up running around trying to punch down the other player :)

Take on the role as a minion in a 2D platformer that get the ability to jump. I do not play many games like this but it was forgiving with save points so it worked for me.