Ultima I: The First Age of Darkness
First game in what was to become to Ultima series and it's hard to see the future greatness. Sword, flying cars and space combat all in one game. Unless you try to play all Ultima games i would not recommend it.

Donkey Kong
Jump barrels to save the girl.

Donkey Kong Jr
Save Donkey Kong from his cage.

Ultima II: The Revenge of the Enchantress
This is a grind style of game and to move forward in the game you need gold and you get it from killing things. You use the gold to buy better stats so you can buy better weapons and armor. With it you can kill things faster so you buy food and hit points. You keep killing things until you finally get a boat. Not that it change the game, but now you can use the Fire key instead of the Attack key for killing things. That's the amount of fun this game contains.

Eat lines and stay away from the ghosts.

Get your frogs home by crossing a busy road and a river with alligators.

Donkey Kong II
You play Donkey Kong Jr and try to climb up and save Donkey Kong.

Frogger on C64.

Ultima III: Exodus
Similar gameplay to Ultima 2 but three times the grid. Kill, loot, weapons, stats, repeat. Boss defeated by punched cards is a first.

Speed away on your motocross and keep your temperature withing the safe limits to avoid overheating.

Summer Games
Compete in the sports from the summer olympic games.

Super Mario Bros
Now to get my gamer license revoked. I do not like this game. Walk and jump. It's boring.

Summer Games II
Only for people that need to destroy another joystick.

Bubble Bobble
Two players support is epic every game and so also in a game where you are a cute dragon that blow bubbles.

Donkey Kong
The first game with jumpman, or Mario as he was known later on. This game also lay the foundation for the central storyline of games of the eightes and Nintendo in general. Save the Girl, Save the World.

Vertical shooter set in the pacific theater of World War II. Each level start from a carrier and then you shoot down a small airforce and then land on a carrier again.

Action game in which the player controls Samus Aran, a bounty hunter that attack the space pirates base to destroy the Mother Brain that control the base. You need to explore the world and get power ups that makes it possible to access other areas of the map, like the morph ball to roll around or high jump boots to reach higher.

The Legend of Zelda
Action adventure game where you explore the land's of Hyrule to collect the parts of the Triforce of Wisdom so you can save princess Zelda.

Winter games
Try out some sports that are featured in the Winter Olympic Games.

Police Quest: In Pursuit of the Death Angel
Be a police, follow the rules, follow police procedure, drive legal and do not shoot everyone you meet. This game is not easy when you are always one letter away from going postal in a every game.

King's Quest: Quest for the Crown
Adventure game where you explore the fantasy world of Daventry to collect three lost treasures to become the next king.

Leisure Suit Larry: In the Land of the Lounge Lizards
Enjoy the glorious life of Larry and enter commands to get him to move forward in life.

Carrier Command
Control your carrier and use it to take over islands so you get enough power to find and destroy the other carrier. The movie is not done by me (none of the movies i link to are) but it provides a good overview of the game.

Eat the dot's and stay away from the ghosts. You can also jump to avoid the ghosts and with four levels this should make a great game if not for the fact that pac-man games are sad and dull whatever they contain.

Star Wars
Wire frame arcade game where you attack the death star based on the first star wars movie. Three stages that restart if you make it.

Star Wars - Return Of The Jedi
Three action sequences inspired by the third star wars film. speeder bike racing, AT-ST Walker and then attacking the death star with Millennium Falcon. Like the others the game restarts at a higher level if you win.

Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back
Arcade game based on the second star wars film and in this one you shoot droids, Imperial walkers, TIE Fighters and navigate asteroid field and when you are done it all restart again.

Super Mario Bros 2
More Mario and more jumping. No thanks.

Zelda II: The Adventure of Link
You need to save Zelda again and as before you to it by walking around to castles and killing boss monsters. This time the battles takes place in a separate side scrolling combat view and you need to collect experience points to improve your skills so you can fight better.

Golden axe
Beat-'em-up with support for two players. Select to play as a barbarian, dwarf or amazon and fight your way to final foe, Death-Adder. I like that you can knock of riding enemies and steal their steed. Grand Theft Dragon.

1943: The Battle of Midway
Sequel to 1942 and this time you get to shoot at both the airplanes and ships.

California Games
Branching of from the summer and winter games series this is set in california with a collection of outdoor sports games.

Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade
Games from movies are more or less doomed to fail and this one sure does. It s so boring that it can act like a reaction test for how fast you can throw yourself on the off switch on your computer.

God game where the goal for you is to help your own people and take over the world and rub it in the face of the other gods.

Rainbow islands
Platform game were you use rainbows to walk on and also as a weapons. Hit them with a rainbow in the head

Sim City
Build a city and make it work.

Turn based strategy where your goal is to take over the 80 cities on the realm of Illuria. Each city give you gold that you use to create armies to attack the other seven warlords.

Space Quest: The Sarien Encounter
Graphic adventure where you take the role of Roger Wilco, janitor by profession, and try to save the galaxy. Interaction done by typing commands so always some guesswork to get something done.

Speedball 2: Brutal Deluxe
As a manager of the Brutal Deluxe speedball team you hire new players, upgrade the ones you have and play the matches. Punch them if they don't have the ball and punch them more if they have it.

The Secret of Monkey Island
Adventure game where you collect items and use them in strange ways to move forward in the plot. In the game one assume the role of Gaybrush Threepwood, a young man that try to get into a career as a pirate. As the game progress one fight sword fights with insults, search for treasure and also get a new nemesis in the form of the ghost pirate LeChuck. Never been a fan of this kinds of game really, some fun parts but overall I find it tiresome to pickup random items and guess my way to the answer.

Alien Breed
Top-down shooter that takes everything it can from the movie Aliens. Clean out each level of the space station and then take the lift down to the next one. You collect money that can be used to buy weapons or more ammo for all the aliens that keep spawning from the holes in the ground. Keys are needed for doors and some doors are one way so one need to be careful to not get stuck in a room with no keys . The only thing I really dislike about the game is that every levels end in a timed run to the lift. If you fail it is game over no matter how many re-spawns you had left.

Golden Axe 2
A new villan that needs an axe in the head and more two player fun.

Populous II: Trials of the Olympian Gods
Take on the pantheon of Greek gods so that you in the end can put Zeus in his place. More fun powers to use against the people of the world.

Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge
Guybrush search for the a treasure and resurect LeChuck as a zombie. Stange ending.

Indiana Jones and the fate of atlantis
Another point and click Indy game. Same as the last really.

Pinball Dreams
Before Battlefield there was pinball games and this is the first one of three that Digital Illusions did for the Amiga. Physics works fine and the table looks nice. The most fun table was the nightmare one.

Pinball Fantasies
Second pinball game from Digital Illusions on the Amiga and i think this is the best of the three. The best table was Stones and Bones. Best graphic in this to as i think they added to much clutter in the next game.

Spear of Destiny
Prequel to Wolfenstien 3D where the player try to recover the Spear of Destiny from the nazis by killing more or less all of them. Not much new in this one really.

Ultima Underworld
Great role playing game in the ultima world. A bit old now but still one of the best when you get used to the sprites. You are accused of kidnapping and imprisoned in the underworld. There you have to and prove that you are in fact a very nice guy. The game is a bit hard to get a hold of this days but if you would like to play it you can look at www.ttlg.com.

Ultima VII: The Black Gate
You return to Britannia two centuries after the the events in Ultima 6 and a someone that goes by the name The Guardian now try to get the power over the land. There are also a religious order that go by the name The Fellowship that seems to gain more and more power and they seem to be connected to the Guardian. The major plot takes you all over the world when you search for Elizabeth and Abraham, two of the founders of The Fellowship. The game world is very nice and you are free to walk around as you wish and solve sub quest and explore.

Ultima VII: The Forge of Virtue
This is a small expansion pack to The Black Gate. It adds a new quests in the game were the Avatar must pass some tests to be given the Black Sword, a very powerful weapon.

Wolfenstein 3D
One of the first-person shooters and also the basic template for all future ID Software games :). You take the role of a American soldier on a mission to win WWII on his own by running around looking for keys, killing people and collecting and shooting people and collecting treasure.

Alone in the dark
The first survival horror game in 3D. Play as Edward or Emily and explore the haunted mansion and try to find the way out. Like most of these early game one of the most scary parts is the static camera. If you can't see it the monsters can still eat you.

Blake Stone: Aliens Of Gold

Well it do make sense for anyone that has played the game.

Strategy game for all those power mad people. You control a civilization and need to guide it from the dawn of time at 3000 B.C to to the stars. The game is turn based and take place on a map view of the game world were you see your towns and units. You need to select what city improvements to to build in each town and also build now towns to expand your empire. There are six other civilization besides your own and you can handle them with war or diplomacy. Combat is simple and you only have to move a unit onto a enemy and are then informed about the outcome of the battle.

Mother of all First person shooters (ok, wolfenstien was first but it was boring). In this game you are stuck on one of the moons on Mars guarding the geeks that work there and then a experiment goes wrong (like they always do) and the portal to hell opens up and demons attack and rip your friends apart. You need to slay the hordes of hell and stop them. Fun both in single and multiplayer, co-operative rules . Coolest weapon must have been the plasma gun and the chainsaw, I like the idea that they had any use of a chainsaw in space :)

The classic eat dots and stay away from the ghosts game.

Star Wars: X-wing
In this game you fly for the rebellion against the evil empire. Not only the X-Wing but you also fly the A-Wing, B-Wing and Y-Wing. Mission is a mix of dogfights and attacks on capital ships. One important part of the game is to keep track of the energy usage as you can transfer energy between the weapons, shields and engine. You always need to make sure you have the energy where you need it. The game is very difficult so you really had to put in the time to get anywhere.

Two add-ons where made called Imperial Pursuit and B-Wing, the later lets you fly the new B-Wing spaceship

In this game you control a syndicate with the ultimate goal of world domination. From you flying command central you send out cybernetic soldiers to different areas of the world to gain control over them. In these missions you have a view of the target city and give orders to you agents about what they should do and who they should kill. Between missions you need to spend the money you earn from the areas you control to research new cybernetics and weapons to give you soldiers so they have a better chance to complete the mission. Its always nice when you have all four of them walking around with miniguns and gauss guns.

The Terminator: Future Shock
I started playing it as I had nothing better to play and it turned out to be one of the best games I played for along time . It catches the theme nicely and you get do drive around in a jeep and fly a hover craft.

Ultima Underworld 2
This game takes place between Ultima 7: The Black Gate and Ultima 7: Serpent Isle. You are in Britannia in Lord British castle when the whole castle is imprisoned by a dome of blackrock created by the Guardian. While searching for a way out you find a gateway to other world below the caste and you travel to them to find something to destroy the dome over the castle.

Ultima VII: Part Two - Serpent Isle
The second part of Ultima 7. After the Black Moongate been destroyed at the end of U7:BG the Avatar and his companions follow Batlin that flees to Serpent Isle

Ultima VII: Part Two - The Silver Seed
The expansion to Serpent Isle that add a new quest to the game. It gives you the chance to get some powerful magical item to use in the main quests of serpent isle.

Warlords II
Strategy based war-game.

Alien Breed: Tower Assault
Sent to investigate a scientific outpost on a far off planet your shuttle crash and the only way out is to kill all the aliens in top-down perspective. Collect keys, money and weapons and kill everything that moves.

Doom 2: Hell on Earth
You returned to earth at the end of doom and find out that your friends from hell have arrived before you. More monsters that need to die, more levels and also a nice double shotgun for you to use.

Heretic: Shadow of the serpent riders
Two new episodes to Heretic sold as a new retail game.

Most fun part in this game is the game host Lance and the graphics when you select your car and that say everything you need to know about the level of fun in this game.

Sim City 2000
The follow-up on Sim-City.

Star Wars: TIE Fighter
This time you got to work for the Empire. Besides killing rebel scum you also hunt pirates, shoot traitor?s and maintain the order in the Empire. With enough hard work you go from space vermin to working for Emperor Palpatine himself. In the game you get to fly Tie fighter and many TIE variants.

Strike Commander
Action style flight simulator where you command a group of mercenery fighter pilots known as the 'Wildcats'. Based in Turkey you take missions in interactive cutscenes and then use your F-16's to blow things up or shoot things down. Between missions you get to chat with your team and later on you also get's to fly the F-22.

Strike Commander: Tactical Operations
More missions to fly around in.

System Shock
In this game you find yourself stuck on a space station with the insane computer Shodan. She have great plans for destroying earth and your goal is to stop her and flee from citadel station. I recommend playing the Enhanced Edition with mouselook, higher resolution and more quality of life features.

Ultima VIII: Pagan
This is the eighth part in the role-playing game series Ultima. After the events in U7:Serpent Isle the Guardian banishes the Avatar to the world of Pagan and the Avatar needs to escape from it and find a way back to Britannia. The arcade style control system were you have to jump around on moving platform is sometimes so frustrating you want to jump on the game CD (and burn it to another CD so you can jump on it again).

Wing Commander: Privateer
Adventure space flight simulator where that take place in the same universe as the Wing Commander series. Take the role as a privateer and fly around in the Gemini sector and choose if you wish to act as a mechant, a mercenary or a pirate. There is a plot to follow about a ancient artifact but it's fun to just fly around and take missions.

X-Com: Ufo Defense
Fun game were you fight aliens that try to take over earth. The story is that aliens starts attacking earth and a covert force (Xcom) is formed to combat the alien threat. You goal is to manage XCom, find and hunt down UFOs and steal their technology and use it to create new and better weapons. Then you need to find the enemy bases on earth and destroy them all. All while keeping every country in the world happy and make sure that your own bases are safe from the aliens.

The game is turned based and made up of two major areas, one strategic when you mange your bases and hunt search for UFOs and one tactical when you attack a downed ufo or base. Research is very important as you get better weapons to battle the aliens and the most fun of all the weapons is the blaster launcher. When you get it there will be more Phone home from those extraterrestrial bastards.

Blake Stone Planet Strike
More weapons, monsters and walls to push around, not more fun :|.

Super Metroid
Explore, fight and collect power-ups. There are also some boss battles and as always I hate them. Time to complete the game was 9.26 hours and item completion 81%.

The player character is a summoner who can summon magical creatures. Prophecy, kill the tyrannical Emperor, yada yada yada, you know the rest. Travel the world, do side quests and find more summons.

Warcraft: Orcs & Humans
The game that started the Blizzard empire. Ok RTS.

Alone in the dark 3
Explore more deserted places that always turn up not be deserted at all. This time in a western ghost town.

Command & Conquer
Real-time strategy game set in the modern world. I like Dune2/Warcraft 2 better.

Action game were you fly a space ship into robotic infested mines to save any survivors and to destroy the main reactor. When the reactor is explodes it will destroy the whole mine so you need to race to the exit. The game uses its 3D environment to the maximum. Tunnels go in all directions and robots can attack from any of them so it s important to have a good situational awareness. The ships is armed with primary (lasers) and secondary (missiles) weapons and they are upgraded as the game progress. Co-operative play is great fun and I played the whole game with four players in co-operative.

Hexen: Beyond Heretic
The story continues from Heretic and now in another world with the serpent rider Korax that need to die. This time you get to choose to play one of three characters at the start of game and each one has his own unique weapons and ability?s The game also use a hub system where you travel between many of the levels many times solving puzzles so it's not the straight find the exit gameplay of Heretic.

Master Levels for Doom II
Expansion pack to Doom 2 with 21 new levels. They are not connected so you start without any weapons beside the pistol on each level.

Pinball Illusion
Last pinball game for the Amiga from Digital Illusions. This game has three tables to pick from and i liked BabeWatch the most. They also had learned some basic 3D when they made this game and the knowledge was used to create the most ugly main menu possible.

Roberta Williams' Phantasmagoria
This is a adventure horror game but the only real horror is to find out how bad it really is. This game was created in the early days of multimedia and FMV (full motion video) games. It uses real actors but the backdrop is computer generated. The story is something about a old house like always and I suggest you ignore it and instead use the seven CD's to something useful like putting them under a table.

Star Wars: Dark Forces
First of a series of First-person shooter games in the world of star wars. In this first one you play as a mercenary namned Kyle Katarn that work for the Rebel Alliance and your learn about and try to stop the Empire's development of a new form of super soldier, the Dark Trooper.

Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness
Real-time strategy game that takes place in a fantasy world. You can play as the orc's or the humans that fight each other in the Second Great war. Like all real-time strategy games you need to collect resources, build you base and get troops so you can complete your objective each mission. The graphic is in a cartoon style with fun voices on the troops if you poke them to much with the mouse.

Wing Commander: Privateer - Righteous Fire
Expansion pack to Wing Commander: Privateer that add a new plot that starts with someone stealing parts of your ship and you need to take them back.

Cute worms with guns and grenades. Great fun.

X-COM: Terror from the Deep
This is the second X-Com game and it s not really that different from the first one. A new form of alien is now attacking from below the oceans and the battle takes place under water with some combat on ships. The game is more difficult than the first one also so you really need to work to get anywhere.

Command & Conquer: Red Alert
Still not that fun.

Descent 2
Nice follow-up on Descent. The two most annoying things in this game is the thief (steal all my cool weapons) and the guide bot. The guide bot is on the players side but it always keep shooting me to tell me I'm going the wrong way. Like you would drive somewhere and give your wife a flare gun so she can alert you when she thinks your are going the wrong way. Double amount of weapons also as each weapon slot now contain two weapons :).

Arcade action game were you hack your way down a dungeon to kill Diablo. You can choose to play one of the three classes of warrior, rogue and sorcerer. All levels in the game are random generated so it s different each time you play.

Duke Nukem 3D
Take to role of Duke Nukem and kill aliens, pig cops and save the babes. Unlike to rest of the faceless heroes of other first person shooters Duke is a one man show on his own and drop one-liners as often as he drops aliens. In the game you go around the levels and kill of more or less anyone that look at you except some babes. To help you with that you have a guns, big guns and guns that shrink the enemy or freeze them so you can kick them into ice shards. All in all a great game and keep in mind that if they aliens try to take our babes the aliens need to die.

Final Doom
Two more campaigns for Doom 2, The Plutonia Experiment and TNT: Evilution with 32 levels each. Really difficult and you have to walk around looking for each and every spare bullet you can find.

First-person fantasy shooter with three episodes that you can play in any order. Each level is simply about finding the exit and to kill anything that stands in the way and your goal in the end is to destroy one of the serpent riders namned D'Sparil.

Hexen: Deathkings of the dark citadel
Expansion with new levels where you go to the realm of death.

Privateer 2: The Darkening
Game developed by those that want to be movie makers

Worthless singleplayer with a story that seems to been done on a coffee break. In singleplayer you explore four different episodes with a number of levels and the goal of each level I simply to shoot your way to the exit. At the end of each episode you find a magic rune that you take with you and when you have all four runes a secret path in the hub that connects all the episodes open up and you can go and kill Shub-Niggurath, the final boss. The singleplayer campaign can also be played in co-op and it makes it a bit more fun :).

Multiplayer is deathmatch and fun but the thing that made Quake epic was how easy it was to modify and the number of modifications that was made for the core game.

A fifth episode, Dimension of the past, was released for the Quake 20 years anniversary in 2016 by Machine Games.

Syndicate Wars
This game takes place some years after the first game and the Eurocorp syndicate now own the world and uses military and mind control to keep people happy. Then the mind control system starts to fail and people fight back and try to destroy your empire. Time to bring out the miniguns and your agents to bring them back in order again . Resarch is still important and your agents need to pick up weapons they find on the missions and bring then back so you can study them and build new ones. The new weapons makes it possible to blow up every building in a mission and you can use the explosives to rob banks in missions to get you even more cash .

The Terminator: SkyNET
More action in the world of the insane machines.

Warcraft II: Beyond the Dark Portal
Expansion to Warcraft II.

Megarace 2
This was released one year after wipeout. No one should play this.

First-person shooter where you play Caleb, a cult member that was killed by the evil god he worshiped and now returns from the grave for revenge. Lots of blood, gore and references to horror films.

Blood: Blood Plasma pak
Second expansion pack for blood with one new episodes where you keep exterminating your old cult members even after the evil god himself is dead.

Blood: Cryptic Passage
First expansion pack for Blood with a new episode of levels with Caleb trying to retrieve a ancient scroll.

A very educational game were you can learn the wrong way to behave in traffic and also good as relaxation for those that have a thing against pedestrians. The game is like the movie Death Race 2000 were you get cash for killing pedestrians and destroying your opponents cars. You use that money to upgrade your car and you can also win the opponents cars after a race. Extra bonus cash is also given for such things as 'insane stunt bonus' and 'splatter bonus'. On each level there are also a lot of power ups such as time bonus, turbo, wall climber and pinball mode. You can win each race in three ways, by completing the track, by destroying all you opponents or by killing a enough pedestrians.

Descent 2: Vertigo Series
More levels to descent 2 and now there is a evil thief in every level :(.

Hexen II
Final chapter in the story of the Serpent riders from Heretic/Hexen and this time it's the last one, Eidolon that need to die. Four character classes to choose from this time as you kill all the minions first then hunt down Eidolon.

Hidden & Dangerous
Fun soldier game in WW2 and also winner of most crashes / hour award. Looks like the only tested to first levels in the game as the game crash more and more at the end. The gameplay was cool anyway with fun and varied levels.

Phantasmagoria: A Puzzle of Flesh
This is the second part of the phantasmagoria series of games. All live action but still no fun and the few choices you make in the game only fell stupid and the movies are boring and the story is bad. There is only one real choice you need to use in this game and it is the exit key.

Quake 2
First-person shooter that have nothing to do with Quake besides the name. It has a better story (they did it over lunch) but it's nothing to think to much about. The player is in the role of a Marine ( no hair ) that take part of an attack against an alien race called the Strogg. The attack more or less fails and the player is one of the few who survive so it's up to the player to kill of all the aliens including the Strogg leader Makron. You also get objectives to follow in the game so it's more of a linear battle across the levels you go through. Railgun weapon was fun.

Multiplayer works like Quake with deathmatch, capture the flag and you can also play the whole game in co-op. Like Quake this game was easy to modify so there where many cool mods made for it. I played mostly Capture the flag and 3TCTF, a mod with three teams playing capture the flag.

Quake Mission Pack 1: Scourge of Armagon
More weapons, levels and monsters for Quake in case you thought the story ;) of the first one was epic and you need more.

Quake Mission Pack 2: Dissolution of Eternity
Even more things for Quake.

Redneck Rampage
Good Psychobilly music and a big nope on the gameplay.

Star Wars Jedi Knight - Dark Forces II
The story continues in this second game about Kyle Katarn as he learns about his father has been killed by a Dark Jedi to learn the secret of something called The Valley of the Jedi and Kyle goes on to find it and track down his father's killers. While doing that he learns about the force powers he never know he had and you get to use light and dark powers and also a lightsaber. There are a light and a dark side ending to the game depending on how you play and this two side path would later show up in all the following Jedi Knight games.

Tomb Raider
Nice polygon mesh (and feminist enemy num one) that watched to many replays of Indy when she grow up. I always play it safe when I play with Lara and save a lot as I get this strange urge to let her jump from all high places I can find.

Worms 2
Worms with guns is always a good thing and the concrete donkey must be one of the best weapons ever made

Shadow Warrior
Do you want to wash wang? Or do you want to watch Wang wash wang?

Carmageddon: Splat pack
Expansion for Carmageddon. Not that good as the first one as they tried to make the levels a bit more weird Spending two minutes to get back up from the water after falling down does not improve the game. The focus should be on ramming into each other at high speed instead of trying to find each other.

The Curse of Monkey Island
Great intro and nice art style. Guybrush tries to put a ring on it and turn his love Elaine into a gold statue. She is stolen and its time to save her and find the Big Whoop treasure.

An Elder Scrolls Legend: Battlespire
A Elder Scolls game set inside the Battlespire, a magic academy that train battlemages. Run around and fight the monsters and the game controls. Don't like the combat at all. The worst enemy is the game physics system. Even the smallest edge can confuse it and make you die like you jumped from 10k feet to the ground.

In Half-life you play Gordon Freeman, a new employ at the Black Mesa research facility. Like always the experiment goes wrong and portal is open to another world and monsters attack. Our hero picks up some guns and the game turn into a very nice first person shooter. Overall a great game but with some sections a bit to long. The end is also long and boring.

Kings Quest: Mask of eternity
Nice mood and very good speech. The story is not that good and all puzzles have only one way to solve them. The hero you play is so good that you sometimes wish that you can reach into the screen and kill him.

Quake 2: Ground Zero
Expansion pack to Quake 2

Quake 2: The Reckoning
Expansion pack to Quake 2

Redneck Rampage Rides Again
Nope Nope Nope.

Redneck Rampage: Suckin' Grits on Route 66
Still Nope.

Spec Ops: Rangers Lead the Way
One of the first soldier sims. It had a aiming system that auto aimed at the enemy 2 miles away while the ones closer blasted you to bit

Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Mysteries of the sith
Expansion fo Jedi Knight - Dark Forces II that takes place some year after that game. In this on you get to play as both Kyle and his apprentice Mara Jade.

Thief: The Dark Project
King of the sneak games. You play as Garret, a master thief in a dark steam punk world. You goal is to get rich by sneaking into and stealing as much loot as you can from peoples houses. This is best done by staying in the shadows, making as little sound as possible and disabling the guards and hiding their bodies. There are often many paths to use to reach a area in the game and one needs to spend some time watching the movements of guards before moving forward. One also have tools like lock picks and water arrows to snuff out torches. The story is told between the missions in movies and in books and texts found in the game. The order of the hammer and pagans battle each other and both try to use Garret as a pawn in their game and the mystical keepers act in the shadows and try to use anyone. Thief is one of the best sneak game, to bad they used the stealth technology in the advertising of the game also. Best levels was The Sword and Assassins levels. There are also a Thief Gold version that add three extra levels to the game.

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six
First in the series of games about the Rainbow Six counter-terrorist unit All of them tactical shooters that focus on stealth and teamwork an all of them great fun to play cooperative multiplayer in. Before each mission you get a briefing where you can choose the operatives to use. Next is the planning phase where you can set-up paths and orders for the teams and finally you execute the mission and hope for the best. If all goes well a mission does not take to long but as the most common question in any Rainbow Six LAN event is 'did anyone see who killed us' a mission often takes a lot of practice.

For the story it is safe to ignore it, it's the same evil plot like in any other Tom Clancy book but without the 500 pages to get to the point.

Tomb Raider II
More adventures with Lara. Not that bad but still no logic anywhere to be found. If I found a UZI clip in the tomb that been closed for 3000 years I would start to question the history of the world

First-person shooter where a prison ship with the player as a prisoner crash on a alien planet called Na Pali and the player need to escape from it. You fight the evil Skaarj that now rule the planet and get some help from the Nali, the former rulers. Nice levels to explore but it feels wasted on a first-person shooter.

Warhammer: Dark Omen
Real-time strategy game in the Warhammer world. Take the role as commander Morgan and order your army around on the battlefield and slay the evil orcs and undead. Fun talk between the battles was also :).

Blood II: The Chosen
Unimpressive sequel to Blood.

Shadow Warrior: Twin Dragons
Ancient chinese secret.

A first-person real-time strategy set in an alternative history universe where the all powerful resource is not spice but scraps of bio-metal. The USA and Soviet fight it out on different planets in the solar system and you pick one of them to fight for. Played from first-person shooter perspective so you can run around, drive around, order your forces around and be overrun by the enemy.

Aliens Versus Predator
In this game there are three different campaign. One each for Colonial Marines, Predators and aliens. The alien is the most fun one and it feels good to crawl around in the roof and drop down on the defenceless humans as they scream in fear. To bad that the game is so short as it only contain the standard number of first person shooter levels split in three parts.

Delta Force
Tactical first-person shooter that uses voxel based rendering that makes it look a bit different from other games. It provided long view distance of the world compared to many games of the time so sniper rifles was fun in this game.

Delta Force 2
Second part in the delta force series where you once again run around shot people in a landscape setting.

Descent 3
Not as fun as the first two descent games

Quake 3: Arena
Quake 3 is a multiplayer-focused first-person shooter where your main goal is to kill the other players. It also have a capture the flag mode if you are into that. Mix of weapons from the other Doom and Quake games but I must say that I prefer Unreal Tournament over this game.

Star Trek: Hidden Evil
Ensign Vim Log Stardate Unkown:

I got a work on Enterprise and boy does it suck. The same thing over and over again on each mission. I cant stand one more so I will use my energy gun to shoot myself so I get of this damn ship. End Log

System Shock 2
Role-playing game that continue the story from System Shock. This time you wake up aboard the space ship Von Braun and find that everyone is dead and there are some problems with the computer system. Shodan is back and her goal includes earth gone and you dead :).

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Mission Pack: Eagle Watch
Expansion for Rainbow six. More missions and guns.

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear
Nice follow-up to rainbow six More missions and guns and really not that different from the first game.

Tomb Raider III: Adventures of Lara Croft
The kayak was cool

Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation
Our grave robber plunders another tomb and releases the god Set so he is free to destroy the world, not one of her best days. The game is then all about her trying to stop the evil god and her old mentor Von Croy who also have joined the dark side. We also get the chance to drive a jeep and a motorcycle.

Ultima IX: Ascension
This was not a worthy ending for the Ultima series. There is only one good thing in the game and it s the graphic engine. I like to see Britannia in full 3d and it s nice walk around in it.

The worst part of the game is the fact that is ignores more or less all the events in the other ten games that have been before it in the ultima series. I m sure that they would like it to be possible for new players to enjoy the game but it is stupid to do it at the expanse of the people who had followed the ultima series in the past. The story of the game is extremly stupid and even a new player would see that things don t fit at all in this game. There are simply to many things wrong to write down here, look at Hackis ultima page ( http://members.inode.at/357352/english/nitpicks_u9.htm ) for a more complete list of why you feel something is missing when playing this game.

In the game the avatar arrives from the world of Pagan to find that the Guardian have more or less total control of Britannia. The king don t even know that huge columns of chaos is raised in the air around in his land and your old friends from the other games only sit around at home and does nothing so its up to you to stroll around, collect magic items and do a ritual eight times to save the world.

Unreal Tournament
First-person shooter that focus on competitive playing against other players. Has the basic game modes such as deathmatch and capture the flag, the one that stand out is Assault. In it one team is set to attack and the other to defend and what needs to be done depends on the level. Unreal Tournament also has weapons with both primary and secondary fire and most are forms of weapons from Unreal. Some game modes also had the Translocator as a weapon, a form of personal teleporter that the player could throw out and transport to.

Unreal: Return to Na Pali
Expansion to unreal were we get to learn what happened to our hero after the events in unreal. Not that epic really :(.

Worms Armageddon
More worms, more guns :)

Deus Ex
This is a first person action game with role playing elements. You take the role of JC Denton, a anti-terrorist agent that travel the globe and try to find out the truth behind a evil conspiracy. It all takes place in a dark future around 2050.Your character have skills such as lock picking, swimming and some weapon skills and all skill start at the untrained level. Augmentations are another thing you can use to change your character and they give you ability s such as cloak and targeting systems. It s not possible to have all augmentations or master level in all skills so you need to choose the ones that fit your playing style.When you play you have to choose what sides to support in the game and who to thrust. There are some different endings in the game but that don t really matter that much.

Diablo 2
This game continues the story from the first game and Diablo escapade the town of Tristram and are now free in the world. Your character follows him in a quest to stop and kill him. The game takes place in four acts and for each act there is a cut scene movie that moves the story forward. This time there are five available classes to pick from: Amazon, Barbarian, Necromancer, Paladin and Sorceress. Each class have their own set of skills they can use, around 30 skills/class and you gain on skill point each level. The more skill points you put in a skill the better it gets.

Hitman: Codename 47
In this game one gets the chance to play a hitman. It was much better than i thought it would be even if the game had is problem. The nice thing is the many different ways to kill your targets besides running in with all guns blazing. For example, put poison in their food or add a bomb to their car. The story of the game is centred around our hitman finding out were he is from and what the bar code in his neck is all about.

Quake 3: Team Arena
Expansion pack for Quake 3 with new game modes, weapons, maps and little else.

Soldier of Fortune
There was a time when gore was all that was needed to make a game. This is not fun.

Star Trek: Voyager Elite Force
Ensign Vim Log Stardate Unkown:

After my last boring assignment on Enterprise i have now moved to Voyager and i must say that things are still no good. Im running around on all strange planets and shooting at everything, this is not the brainless work i signed up for. And all of the ship is almost of limits to me so the only thing to do is to talk to my stupid team mates that fail to do their duty on each mission. Starfleet sux I tell you, I will take a shuttle back to earth and flee this action madness. End Log

Thief 2 - The Metal Age
The story continues from Thief and Garret keeps moving around in the city, stealing things and getting mixed in the events of a new factions of the Hammers, the Mechanists. Always fun with servants that scream in fear when you emerge from the shadows :). Best level was Life of the Party.

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear Mission Pack: Urban Operations
Expansion pack to Rogue Spear with more missions.

Tomb Raider: Chronicles
Everyone think that Lara is dead and her friends sit around the fire in her house and talk about her and you get to chance to play the missions that they talk about. Not that diffrent from the Last Revelation really

Aliens Versus Predator 2
Worse then the first game. Short one way level and even alien style is boring :(.

Call of Duty 2
Second game in the Call of Duty World War II series of games and once again with three campaigns to play, Russian, English and American. There is no choices to talk about in this game and you walk along the pre set path and and face up to the scripted sequences in the game. The game is mostly about moving forward towards the enemy as a simple grunt in a group of and shooting at everything. You also get the chance to drive some tanks for a change of scenery but as it takes place in the desert it s not much to look at anyway .The game can also be played in multi player but still no coop. There is a team game mode by the name of headquarters were you capture a control point and then defend it. It was a bit nice but the rest is the same old death match and capture the flag. There are also a fun death cam were you see the kill from they eyes of the one that killed you.

Delta Force: Land Warrior
Third delta force game this time without the voxels :(.

Diablo 2: Lord of destruction
Expansion pack to Diablo 2. This adds a new act were you follow and kill Diablo s evil brother Baal. It also adds two new classes to play with, Druid and Assassin and many other good things.

Half-Life: Blue Shift
Play half life from the perspective of a guard at black mesa. Short game that really does not add much to the half life world.

Max Payne
Matrix style until you almost throw up. Fun story that are told in a cool cartoon graphical style. You have bullet time in the game and when you use it you slow the game world down but you can still aim your guns as you wish and that way take out a lot of enemies more easy. There is a limit on how much bullet time you can have and you get more by killing enemies so it is wise to save it for the real huge encounters.

Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis
War game were you play different soldiers in the cold war. You get the chance to be both in the infantry, drive tanks and fly planes and helicopters. No part of the game is perfect and the simulation of the different vehicles is a bit simple bit all together it forms a great environment were you feel like a little piece in a much larger battle. Multi player is also great and it s very cool to play co-op missions.

Operation Flashpoint: Red Hammer
Here you play the Soviet side in the Operation flashpoint campaign. This time you play only one soldier but you still get to chance to do a little of everything.

Red Faction
Take the role of a revolutionary mine worker on Mars fighting against the evil doers. The fun part of this game is for sure the possibility to shoot apart most things in the game like walls, floors and so on. Takes some time to get used to that you can shoot yourself down to the next floor :).

Return to Castle Wolfenstein
Take the role as B.J. Blazkowicz in this first person shooter that takes place in WWII. You are at Castle Wolfenstein exploring the SS Paranormal Division and the way to do it is by killing anyone within the distance of a sniper rifle. Like far cry this game starts out good but gets a bit boring when facing the evil zombies and other hell spawns.

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon
It's 2008 and Russia starts another world domination plan like they always do in the Tom Clancy world. Good for the world that a elite special force, the ghosts from USA is there to save the day. There are 16 missions and they take place from the start of combat operations to the final battle in Moscow. Each mission have some goals like killing someone, saving somebody else and each mission also have a bonus objective that one could do if you feel like it. On each missions you can have three teams with three members in each. There are four types of soldiers, rifleman, support, sniper and then demo that can blow things up. Each character also have some skills and you get one skill point on each mission they are in so you can make them better at shooting or sneaking around. Great in multiplayer coop.

X-COM: Enforcer
Third person shooter set in the X-Com game world where you take the role of a robot hunting down aliens and rescue human hostages. This game is horrible and everything in it is so substandard that one always cry in pain when playing it.

Battlefield 1942
First-person shooter action game that take place at the time of the second world war. In each battle the goal is to capture and hold more control points then the enemy and make him run out of supplies first. There are four theatres of operations in the game, Pacific , North Africa , Eastern Europe and Western Europe. Each theatre have a number of battlefields and you get the chance to play both Germany, USA, Japan, UK and Russia.

In the game you can drive tanks, boats and also fly planes. Not a realistic simulation but fun. You also get to pick your infantry class each time you respawn in the game and you can choose to be a scout, assault, anti-tank, medic or engineer.

Command & Conquer: Renegade
Play as a GDI grunt in the C&C world and fight against the evil NOD and Kane. A straight first person shooter where you also can control some tanks and cars. Big selection of weapons and some of them are a bit fun. AI is really bad and on the levels where you have to escort someone you really feel like punching someone in the face. The AI runs away before you to preset points and then simply stand beside the enemy like a idiot and die in a hail of bullets.

Delta Force: Task Force Dagger
Mission pack to Delta Force: Land Warrior.

Dungeon Siege
This is all about stuff that are better then the stuff you already have. The story of the game is something about something evil somewhere doing something evil and you and your epic heroes need to travel the world, killing everything until all the evildoers are dead. In short, don t worry about it and play to get more stuff.

Grand Theft Auto III
Drive around and do the crime without the time in Liberty City. You take to role of Claude that was set-up by his past partners his crime and after a lucky escape from the law it is time to get the cash back, the guns in the trunk and to start watch the body count go up.

Hitman 2: Silent Assassin
Our bald hero has retired from the hard and stressful life as an assassin and are now spends his days working as a gardener at a church. All is well until the priest is kidnapped. 47 contacts his old employer to find the priest and to pay for the hunt he also takes some missions. The gameplay works in large part like the last game, controls are better now and it is more easy to choose the violent path. It is also possible to collect weapons in the missions so you can use the following missions. All your weapons are kept in a small house in your base and you can go there between mission to try them out.

Metroid Prime
Can someone please put a end to this pointless boss battles in games. Shooting three times towards a glowing point gets really old fast :(. Other then the boss hell this game is nice with exploring and rolling around in ball form.

Neverwinter Nights
Third person role-playing game based on the Dungeons & Dragons and Forgotten Realms rules. In this game you take the role as one of those with the mission to save the town of Neverwinter from a evil plague. It starts simple with you collecting the parts needed for a cure and then you need to run around outside the town for a while hunting down those that created the plague. Then it all ends inside the town again in a epic battle. The game can also be played in co-op and that is the most fun way to play it.

Operation Flashpoint: Resistance
Third campaign to Operation Flashpoint and this time take the role of ex special forces vet Victor that have retired to the island of Nogova for easy and peaceful life. It all ends when the Soviet invades and you join the resistance on the island to fight back.

Red Faction 2
The fight goes on from red faction but now it takes place on earth. Fun to run around with mech's and submarines but not really that great.

Soldier of Fortune II: Double Helix
Not that fun :(.

Star Wars Jedi Knight II - Jedi Outcast
After cutting his link to the Force in after the events in Jedi Knight: Mysteries of the sith Kyle once again work as a mercenary with Jan Ors for the New Republic. All things go well until a stupid Dark Jedi kill's Jan and Kyle run off to the Valley of the Jedi to regain his lost power so he can hunt down the dark jedi.

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Desert Siege
Expansion with eight new missions. Takes place in Africa were some gun mad general once again decide to make his how empire and the ghosts go there to stop him. Realistic missions also, in one you save a oil refinery from the evildoers.

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Island Thunder
More missions that take you to Cuba and to act as a peacekeeping force that work by killing everyone.

Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell
Take the role of Sam Fisher, a NSA secret agent in this sneak-em-up game. Like in the game Thief you have a light meter that show how visible you are and a set of tools the help you stay hidden. For example night vision and a silenced assault rifle. The story is about another bomb, another mad man and another Tom Clancy style USA save the world story so nothing really new. The bad part about the game is that it is very simple and linear so unlike thief there is no need to explore or to find new and fun way to do things. Walk the line and kill them when they sleep.

The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
Visit the island of Vvardenfell and spend hours killing Cliff Racer's. To be honest you get to do other things to such as fulfilling a prophecy and killing a god. All those things are fun but jumping up to hit and kill cliff racers is the thing that will be part of my muscle memory forever. I do not like the dialogue or the quests. Talking to someone turned into a guess to right word and most quest was spent being lost for long periods of time. It's nice to be able to explore a open world but i do prefer more guidance when i have quests. It gets tiresome to run around in a city to find a single person or over the landscape to find the correct mine. The rule system in the game is also a bit broken and there are bugs that put a dent in the enjoyment of the game. Killing cliff racers and falling through the floor will be my memory from this game. That and the theme song, the theme song is Epic.

Medal of Honor: Allied Assault
Time to storm Omaha Beach and die. Alot. Nice mix of action and stealth mission where stolen id pappers is used to move around. Crazy difficulty on some levels and every health and ammo box is required.

Medal of Honor: Allied Assault - Spearhead
First expansion pack with three new missions. No undercover ones :(.

Summoner 2
In this sequel you play as Maia. She can transform herself into a a variety of summonable creatures. A bit weaker idea then the first game. Explore areas in the world and find characters to add to your party. You can have up to three characters in the party from a total of seven. Reminds me of Kotor.

MegaRace: MR3
Play any of the four wipeout games or Rollcage instead of this.

Battlefield 1942: Road to Rome
First expansion pack to Battlefield 1942. Adds Italy as a new theatre of war and it contains six new battlefields.

Battlefield 1942: Secret Weapons of WWII
Battlefield 1942 expansion pack. Contains some of the strange weapons that were in development under the war. More fun then practical most of them.

In this game you play as Rayne, a Dhampir (a form of vampire) that work for the secret Brimstone Society and hunt down and kill supernatural threats to humanity. Not that she care much for humanity, her main goal is to track down and kill her father. The game is played in third person view and both close combat and firearms are used to hunt down and kill the enemy. Health is restored by feeding on blood of the living and she have some special vision modes like one that slows down time like in the matrix movies.

Call of Duty
First-person shooter that puts you in the boots of a infantry soldiers in World War II. Uncommon for many other games of the same time you played each mission with the help of your computer controlled allies. Most missions are linear and simple so most of the time they act as cannon fodder and you need to complete most of the mission objectives on your own. There are three campaigns, the American, British and the Soviet one and you play a different soldier in each one.

Deus Ex: Invisible War
Sux, like thief 3. Take your Bloom filter and burn.

Dungeon Siege: Legends of Aranna
Dungeon Siege expansion pack. Some new things like set items but overall this expansion don t match the level of the original.

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
In this game we get a chance to play Tommy Vercetti, a low level bad guy that fails a simple drug deal in Vice City and need to get the cash and dope back before his boss gets to angry. It s a slow raise to power as you drive around the town and do small crimes to get more cash and power to finally take on the big bosses in town and put yourself on top. Great 80 s music and style in this game and you simply drive around and enjoy the town on your motorcycle. Steal cars, motorcycles, boats, helicopters and listen to good music while you do it.

Halo: Combat Evolved
First-person shooter where you drive and walk around in the same areas over and over again and shoot the same strange little gnome like creatures. You take the role of a super soldier called Master Chief that after a desperate escape from evil aliens fall out of hyperspace beside the a mystical ring in space, the Halo. The aliens with the name of The Coventant also drop by and then it turns into a minor war on and about the control of the Halo and to find out what it does.

Gameplay is like in most other first-person shooter but this game was the one that really get that regenerating shield/health thing stated where you simply take cover for a while to recharge it.

Hidden & Dangerous 2
Great followup. Not as many bugs as the first game . No coop multiplaye

Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne
Not that fun as the first Max Payne game. To much of that cool dialogue in this game.

Neverwinter Nights: Hordes of the Underdark
Another new campaign to Neverwinter Nights and this one takes you to the subterranean world of Underdark.

Neverwinter Nights: Shadows of Undrentide
Expansion with a all new campaign.

Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
Final game in the Jedi Knight series for and now you play the character of Jaden Korr, a student at the Jedi Academy run by Kyle Katarn from the previous games. This time you take missions assigned to you by Katarn and Luke Skywalker and this time you have the option to chose what missions to do and in what order.

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
Be a Jedi, swing a lightsaber and choose between good and evil. This game has one of the best stories ever and the dialogue with the characters in the game is great. You play a republic soldier that wakes up after a huge battle with a memory loss and you find out that you have really strong Jedi powers and you travel to the Jedi enclave to start your training. The republic is at war with the dark Jedi Revan and Malak that both turned against the republic after fighting in the Mandalorian War. You are free to choose you path to the light or dark side as you travel the galaxy with your companions in search for clues to what turned Revan and Malak to the dark side and the reasons for you strong connection to the force. Many fun dialogues with you companions and and best of them all is the not so friendly assassination droid HK-47.

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield
Tactical first-person shooter in the Rainbow Six series.

Unreal II: The Awakening
The only fun thing in this game is your half nude female first officer and it is not a good thing in a game. In short it all feels like a first-person shooter like all the others with the stupid soldiers you have to work with on a level or two so they can say they have great artificial intelligence in the game and your stupid ship mates that are so clich? that you almost throw up. When some of your team mates finally drop dead you do not miss them but rather wish you could walk up and hug the monsters for killing them.

Unreal Tournament 2003
The second version of the Unreal Tournament series. Not that much new that makes it worth playing but the new game mode Bombing run where you need to shoot a ball in the other teams goal was fun.

Delta Force: Black Hawk Down
Expansion pack with more missions set in Iran and Colombia.

Medal of Honor: Allied Assault - Breakthrough
Second expansion pack with three missions set in north africa, Sicily and Italy.

Battlefield: Vietnam
Fight in the jungle and swamp settings with good music from the period when the games take place.

Call of Duty: United Offensive
Expansion to Call of Duty with more missions.

Counter-Strike: Source
Multi player only game with two teams, the terrorists and the counter-terrorists. At the start of each round all members of a team spawn in their buy zone were they can use the money they have to buy weapons. You gain money by killing the enemy and completing the goals of your team.

Doom 3
Doom was action and Doom 3 try to be a horror game. But it does not work as everything is so predictable that one almost fall asleep. Every monsters stands where you think it will and the only horror is when you walk to the next level and see that it is the same sci-fi labs environment as the last one. There are max three monsters at once and the first time you meet a new monster they break the flow with a worthless cut-scene to show it off. Doom I and II are great games and Doom 3 does not deserve to use the same name.

Half-Life 2
Gordon Freeman is back and now the aliens have invaded earth. The game takes place in and around City 17, a city controlled by the invading forces and besides running and shooting you also get the chance to drive a boat and a car. The game has the same problem as Half-Life with areas were they run the same idea for to long and it grows tiresome. The story is also bad, it feels like a movie with some good action scenes that don t really fit together that well.

Halo 2
Second part in the halo series and this time your time is split between playing two characters with to simultaneous story lines. The first one follows Master chief and the second one follows the Arbiter who is the alien who failed to defend the Halo against the Master chief and friends in the first game. The campaign can be played with two players in split screen and the game also had a nice double-wield support where you could mix weapons.

Hidden & Dangerous 2: Sabre Squadron
Expansion to H&D 2. New levels.

Hitman: Contracts
47 have been wounded and are lying on the floor dying and looks as his life flash by before him. It takes the form of some of the mission he has done in his life and you get the chance to play them. It s is mix of different mission both new ones and some modified ones from the original hitman game. Some of the remade missions are fun but often it only feels boring the play the same missions as you did in the first game. Not really that different from Hitman 2 but more of a expansion pack with new (and old) missions.

Metroid Prime 2: Echoes
Second part in the Metroid Prime series and now on a world split into a light and dark side where you use your light and dark beam to activate portals and travel between them. Still the same long boss battles but exploring is fun and so is the ball form.

First person shooter that try to bring back the old days so in each area the door is locked behind you and then you have to kill everything to move on to the next area. This game is insanely boring, the enemy?s are all stupid and all the weapons suck. Repetitive music also.

Painkiller: Battle Out of Hell
Expansion to Painkiller with ten more levels and two new weapons. All in the same style as before so really unfunny

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2
This game takes place some years after the first and some of characters return. Your character is a exile from the Jedi order that was cast out for your actions in the Mandalorian wars. You were cut of from the force so you were not part of the Jedi civil war that followed the Mandalorian war and now years later your force connection returns. Hunted by the Sith you travel the galaxy in search for the jedi masters to get some answers from them why the throw you out from the Jedi order as you find out that the things you did in the Mandalorian war was not the reason. Our hero HK-47 returns and once again gives great advise on how to handle the meatbags you meet. This game could be as great as the first one but to many things in it don t work out. The story is not as good as in the first game and many parts of it the story/game is incomplete or buggy.

The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from butcher bay
Walk around, punch people out and say as many one liners as you can. This is a mix of action, adventure and stealth game. One fun thing with the game was the commentary mode in the developer version of the game were there are little icons on the levels that you can click to listen to the developers comments about the game, most of them talk about how late they put in all the things in the game

Thief: Deadly Shadows
This game is the final episode in the three parts that makes up the thief series and its sad to see it end in one big failure. This game was made by another company (Ion Storm) then those who did the first two games and credit to Ion Storm for fucking up a good series of game so much. Dont think anyone else would have the incompetence to pull this of.

The levels in the game are small and the game is also to easy and you can without any problem walk around like a killing machine and slay everyone you see without any problems at all. The tools are almost the same from the past games but no more rope arrows, now we can use the the useless climbing gloves that can only be used on walls set on the linear path in the game. All those reviewers that talk about the revolutionary horror level Robbing The Cradle only display proof of their own incompetence, go back to thief and play Haunted cathedral and you will see it has been done before. The game is also linear and when a choice has to be made it's is often useless like when you have to option to go into a door and a window and they both lead to the same empty rooms.

The only good thing about this game is the name. When translators translate b-movies to Swedish they often use use the word deadly as they don?t care to find a better name. TDS is not a b-game, you need to write in kanji to go have enough characters to put it in it's right place as far as possible at the end of the list.

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3: Athena Sword
Expansion to Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield with new missions and weapons.

Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow
Second part in the splinter cell series and this time Sam is trying to stop some mad man from blowing up another bomb. Mad people and bombs don t mix that well

Unreal Tournament 2004
Second follow-up on Unreal Tournament. The new game mode Onslaught was great fun where you could also use vehicles and the goal was to destroy the other teams reactors. Played this so much I was dreaming about flying around that tower on the demo level :).

World of Warcraft
Massively multiplayer online role-playing game in the Warcraft world where you can play on the Alliance or the Horde side. Each side has four races you can choose to be and there is a total of nine classes to pick from. You get to do quest on your own and with other players as you explore the two continents of the world. Great game and real easy to get into ( harder to get out of :) ). I have played my human mage almost all the time.

Metroid Prime: Hunters
Gather eight Octoliths to find the way to the Ultimate Power. Like all Metroid games you do that by exploring, getting powerups and fighting boss battles but this game also have other bounty hunters that fight you and try to steal the octoliths you have found. The major flaw in this game is the boss battles that are all similar and the control system that makes it painfull in the hands to play a bossfight without taking a pause from playing. The game took 7.48 hours to complete and i landed on the really small number of 62% complete.

Delta Force: Black Hawk Down - Team Sabre
Set in Somalia in and around Mogadishu.

Battlefield 2
Second part in the Battlefield series. Modern weapons and vehicles are used in the game so you can now drive around in a M1A2 tank and fly around in a F/A-18 Hornet if you feel like it. There are seven classes in the game: assault, snipers, spec ops, engineers, medics, support and anti-tank and it is possible to form groups with other players so you can work as a team more easily. One player can act as the commander and can order all the groups around on the map and also use commander assets like satellites and artillery to find and destroy the enemy. Extra fun game when you find yourself in a good squad with good teamwork.

Battlefield 2: Special Forces
Expansion to battlefield 2 were you take the role of some special forces around the world. Some new maps and each class now also have a new ability like grappling hook for the assault class. Still battlefield 2 so not really that much different.

BloodRayne 2
This game takes place in present times and our Dhampir friend once more slash, shoot and feed our way past hordes of meatbags. The game now takes place in a city and Rayne can now swing around and climb poles so there is some good acrobatic exercise in this game. She are now hunting down and killing her fathers evil offspring, her siblings. They have formed the Cult of Kagan and have created The Shroud , a doomsday device that will make the suns rays harmless to vampires.

Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil
This is a basic Doom 3 expansion without any real value. All bad things on Doom 3 still apply and they also added a new weapon that works the same as the Gravity Gun in half life 2. There is not much use for it as so few things in Doom 3 can be interacted with.

F.E.A.R. First Encounter Assault Recon
Not much fear in this game as the name might make you believe There are some fun things like flashbacks and ghost images but not much of it is put to good use so once again you find yourself running around shooting at things in the same hallways as always

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Be a cool gangsta, fight for respect, live for the bling bling and most importantly die for the hood. Game world is huge and it s made up of three towns, Los Santos, San Fierro and Las Venturas. The story is that you return to the town for a funeral after being away for to long and you find your hood have lost all respect and your brothers are the joke of the town. The only real thing to to is to get it back and you battle it out against to other gangs. Great fun and cool characters in the game but your brothers are stupid bastards and you often feel like you would shoot them in the head to make them shut up. Artificial Intelligence is also a bit bad when you move around town with you gang

LEGO Star Wars: The Video Game
Play the three newest star wars films in Lego.

Quake 4
The story goes on from Quake 2 and this game takes ideas from Halo, Starship troopers and Half-Life and it does not go that well. You play another space marine this time and you have to fight of new Makron that they Strogg has created. Mostly I found the gameplay tiresome and I hate games that have a 'jump past three traps in a row' section. There is a part in the story when the player get put inside a machine to turn him in a Strogg and it was fun to see but it was not used well by the story.

Sid Meier's Civilization IV
Turned based strategy. Was a bit tiresome to play and not that fun.

Silent Hunter III
Submarine games where you take the role of a German U-Boat captain in WWII. You get to hunt around on and below the waves for ships to sink all while trying to avoid the destroyers sinking you. After each patrol you get experience that you can use to improve your boat and crew. That is really needed as it feels like most of your crew has spent to much time sniffing diesel fuel and they do not understand the most basic operations needed. There should be a I do not care option for the crew management part of the game.

Sniper Elite
In this game you play an American soldier working to prevent the Russians troops from getting hold of the German nuclear weapons research at the end of world war II. You sneak around in Berlin in German uniform and with the help of the resistance try to find good positions to snipe the enemy from and collect the important papers you are looking for. Resistance?, don't think, shoot, the story is stupid so lets not spend any more time on it. The sniping part is good and things as gravity and wind makes it a bit harder then simple look and shoot. It takes a while to turn around with the wiimote and that makes you die a lot when you try to be cool and fight indoor but then you are not really not much of a sniper anyway. You also need to find a good place to shoot from and time your fire so as few enemies as possible notice you when you make the kill. Some tanks are also in the way but they can be removed by putting explosives at them and shooting at the explosives. AI in the game is fine but sometimes they are a bit to good at finding out were you shoot from.

On the PC you can also play multi player with all the players sneaking around until someone makes a small mistake and get shoot in the head. A little fun but all is simple death match like we have seen a thousands times before.

Great save hostages style game. Better then action games such as Ghost Recon or Rainbow Six as the element of not killing everyone makes the game much more interesting. There are some fun weapons such as the beanbag shotgun, the Taser stun gun and my favourite, the Pepper-ball gun . All this are non lethal as the goal of the game is to take people alive and not to kill them. The enemy is also more fun as they act in more ways then simply shooting at you. This game is great for some good Co-op gameplay

System Shock 2 - Ponterbee Station
This is a new fan made campaign for System Shock 2. Its huge like a whole game =).

Thief 2 - T2X: Shadows of the Metal Age
This is a new fan made campaign for thief 2 and besides a bit to many undead levels it is fun.

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Lockdown
Rainbow six arcade style and the the nickname Rainbow Six: Letdown fits it well.

Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory
More Sam and more stealth operations.

Shadow Warrior: Wanton Destruction
Man who buy drowned cat pay for wet pussy.

Well no this game is really not that fun.

Delta Force: Xtreme
The NovaLogic marketing department must have run out of good titles when this game was about to be released. They also run out of content so the game is remake of Delta Force 1 with upgraded graphics.

Dungeon Siege II
Bit more management of the characters in this game, i liked to eight man army of the first one. Need to replay the old one again.

Battlefield 2142
Battlefield set in the year 2142 with two factions fighting each other over the last life supporting places on the earth. It does not feel that different from Battlefield 2 so I think I keep playing Battlefield 2 until something better shows up.

F.E.A.R Extraction Point
Expansion to Fear where the story pick ups right after the end of the original game. Still the same problems as before with to much reuse of the same events time after time and it s not long before you sleep you way through another the-ring-girl-in-dark-corridor-approaching sequence. There is really no fear in this game but it rather feels like a bad mix of doom 3 and the movie the Ring.

Gears of War
Big bald soldiers with big guns that fight against evil monsters and a really stupid story. Nice and fun as long as you play co-op and remember to press skip as soon as a cut-scene is about to start. One thing that stand out is the focus on cover in the game and all battles is based around moving from cover to cover while shooting the bad people. Works nice.

Did I mentioned that the story is really stupid?

Half-Life 2: Episode One
First chapter in the episodic releases of the follow-up to Half-Life 2 where you as Gordon Freeman and your sidekick Alyx try to escape the City 17 before the Citadel reactor explodes.

Hitman: Blood Money
More mass murder with our friend mr 47 :).

Run around and kill aliens in space.

SWAT 4: The Stetchkov Syndicate
Expansion pack for Swat4 where you take the Stetchkov crime family. Some more weapons and a fun AI upgrade where people that have surrendered but not you have not handcuffed can have a change of hearth can jump up and run away and look for weapons to use on you again.

The Elder Scrolls IV: Knights of the Nine
Expansion pack for Oblivion where you hunt around for some relics to defeat a evil king from the past.

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
Nice world to explore but it turns repetitive fast. The game system is broken and stupid and all characters that you try to work with will jump in front of you when you fight and then attack you.

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter
Ghost recon style once again but unlike the first one where you where mostly in the wild you now run around inside a city instead. Mexico city and the city is really nice done and to offset that they choose to make some really bad AI. Many mission ends with you having to shoot one of your own soldiers as he is stuck inside something. Ohh... and the when the server player die the whole mission fails thing must be one of the most stupid things in any coop game... ever.

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas
The Rainbow six team gies to Las Vegas in this game to battle international terrorist's. This game moves the Rainbow six series away from the world of Tactical shooters and more into any other first-person shooter. Changes include regenerating helth, no planning phase and lots more people to kill.

Tomb Raider Legend
So the quick-time events are shit. They always are. 6 of 8 missions done. Then to much crashing to care anymore. Will get the rest of the story from some YouTube clip.

ArmA: Armed Assault
Bohemia's follow up on Operation Flashpoint. This game is really worthless and it seems like they have done nothing in the six years since the last game. The game is close to unplayable with worthless AI, mission system that seems to fail more often then it works and a player control system that puts a brick wall of problems between the input you give and the actions of your character. In each mission you can look forward to the following three things, 1: Any transport you get in is driven by the most stupid soldier present in the whole army at that time, 2: Each time you try to use anything in the world you will hate the designer of the game, 3: Once every minute one of your soldiers will shout 'where are you'. My hopes for Carrier Command: Gaea Mission is really low after this game :|

Assassin's Creed
Cool game with a great game world where you run around the streets of towns in the 10'Th centenary trying to kill people for your master. The game quickly gets repetitive as there is not much change in each town but the the things that are in the game work good with you stabbing someone and then escaping the town with guards chasing you.

Explore the underwater city of Rapture and try to find out what is going on and why the plane you where on crashed there. Think System Shock but under water instead of space :).

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
Call of Duty series moves of into the modern day with this game. You play is first-persopn view most of the time and you switch between and number of characters to take part of all the events in the campaign. The story is the stupid hogwash one expects from something that takes many cool scenes and then try to string them together

You play a super soldier sent to stop a korean invasion that turn out to be a alien invasion. Nice island to walk around in and like crysis the game is the most fun while you don't have to fight the stupid alien/zombie/mutants/whatever.

Enemy Territory: Quake Wars
First-person team-oriented game in the same world as Quake 4. Two teams in the form of the Humans and the Strogg battle each other on a number of maps and you need to complete mission objectives on each map for your side to win. You get to choose what class your character is and that modify the weapons and abilitys you have.

Half-Life 2: Episode Two
Second episode from Half-Life 2 and this time you are outside the city trying to get to a resistance base called White Forest. You get a car in this episode and spends a lot more time in open terrain driving around.

Halo 3
Final game in the Master chief halo series for now. The Arbiter and friends has joined up with humanity to fight The Covenant and you once again take to role of Master Chief to save the day. Played this one in co-op to and don't really remember much from the story other than the fact that each new area you enter is so filled with epic music and dramatic cut-scenes that you almost puke. In co-op one player takes the role of the Chief, the second one the Arbiter and the two last players will play as aliens of the same race as the Arbiter and it all work out great with all the cut-scenes fixed for it to.

Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
More boss battles but a little more simple in this game then the last. The final fight against the Phazon powered Dark Samus.

Painkiller Overdose
Another painkiller game and it is as bad as the first one.

Puzzle platform game that only real shortcoming is that it's to short :). In it the character you play is stuck in a laboratory and subjected to experiment by a AI named GlaDOS. You are forced to use a portal gun that creates space portals between flat surfaces to solve puzzles by GlaDOS while you are looking for a way to escape the laboratory. The sad part is that when you finally get a hang of the portal gun the game end's so it feels like playing only the tutorial part of a full game :(.

Shadowgrounds Survivor
More aliens that need to die.

Star Wars: X-Wing Vs. TIE Fighter
For multiplayer use only, not much fun otherwise. More or less X-Wing and Tie Fighter put in one game so you can play multiplayer against each other.

The Elder Scrolls IV: Shivering Isles
Second expansion to Oblivion and this time you visit the realm of madness where the prince Sheogorath needs your help to stop the cataclysm.

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter 2
More cool future fighters and more coop level fun.

Unreal Tournament III
To much Gears of War graphical style in this for my taste and they also added a horrible single player story. Warfare is the new name of the Onslaught from Unreal Tournament 2004. Now most game modes have a option to play with vehicles.

World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade
Expansion to WOW that adds the Outlands as a new game world that high-level characters can go to and also makes it possible to use flying mounts, my mage now has a flying carpet :). The expansion also adds two new races (Draenei and Blood Elves) and possibility to reach level 70.

Medal of Honor: Airborne
Fun to start each mission with a parachute jump where one can choose where to land.

Battlefield: Bad Company
Battlefield game with single player focus this time. Fight, collect gold and enjoy the wisdom of your fellow soldiers.

Bionic Commando: Rearmed
Faithful remake of the first Bionic Commando with great art and music.

Call of Duty: World at War
World War II again in Call of Duty but a bit more open-ended this time with more ways to do each missions. The major important change is the support for co-op multiplayer with up to four players in campaign and that alone makes the game a whole lot more epic.

Crysis Warhead
Play the events of the first Crysis game from the perspective of another soldier on the other side of the island. Really more of a expansion with more of the same.

Dead Space
Third-person survival horror game where you play a engineer sent to fix some technical problems on the planet-cracker space ship Ishimura. Technical problems in this case is aliens, crewmen that rise from the dead and fanatics that think that death is a doorway to a better life. Environments are great ( fun zero gravity areas), game play is nice, controls are annoying and the story is linear and as predictable as a Friday the 13th movie.

Fallout 3
Action role-playing game where you play on earth after it has been hit by a nuclear apocalypse. You play in and around the ruins of Washington D.C and your are searching for your father. Great game :).

I did like the Mothership Zeta DLC the most.

Gears of War 2
More stupid story, more big guns, more aliens that need to die, less hair and more one liners. Do not think... press fire. Still cover based battles and it still works well even if it looks strange that the whole world if filled with waist high concrete blocks. Co-op still great.

Left 4 Dead
Great first-person shooter co-op game where you and three others try to survive a zombie apocalypse. Each chapter in the campaign mode is about getting to the escape vehicle and characters not played by humans will be controlled by the computer until someone joins to play with you. You fight your way from one safe room to the next and if you all die you restart at the last one. The zombies in the game are slow to notice you but when they do they really moves fast and there are also a number of special zombies that demand special tactics. All in all a great game that is really fun to play and it's nice with a game to proves to idiots that people indeed play coop games (you know who you are...).

Saints Row 2
This looks like a clone of GTA San Andreas and in many way it is but I like the story and the mood in this game much more. You can also play this game in co-op with two players.

Sid Meier's Civilization Revolution
Rule the world on Nintendo DS. Works but not much more. The thing that really drives you insane is the advisor?s that pop-up once each turn and say the same thing and the fact that each city that has nothing to build also pop-up each turn. So even if you do not wish to build anything you still have to click back once for each city in the known world.

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas 2
More shooting in Vegas with the rainbow team. Nice but really stupid team AI sometimes. Moving tight in a groups might look cool but in this game they glue to you so much that you always walk into them. You can also stack up towards the doorways to peek inside but each time you do one of your team always takes position in front of the door. Stealth fail :(.

World of Warcraft: Wrath of The Lich King
Second expansion to WOW that adds the continent Northend in the old world and a new class, the Death Knight.

Sequel to armed assault and they have some nice ideas with more open play missions and factions that you can support in the missions but overall it has the same problems as the first game.

Assassins Creed 2
This game is set in the 15th century in Italy. You play as Ezio who becomes an Assassin after his father are murdered. You get a mansion, buy things for it as you get richer and kill of all those that had any part of your fathers death. Great fun and nice game world.

Assassins Creed 2: Discovery
Run around and kill people by jumping from buildings and stab them in the neck. Gameplay is a 2D side scroller even if it is shown with 3D graphic. It works nice on the DS even if most thing are more or less automatic and it does not take to much player skill to do most thing in the game.

Bionic Commando
Swing around in Ascension City and look for what the evil BioReign is up to. Shot and swing things at them.

Read more about my work on the Bionic Commado page

First-person shooter role playing game that supports co-op play. You pick one of four character classes to play and then you explore the world, collect weapons and kill people that try to kill you. Real nice art style in this game.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Second part of the Modern Warfare series and the story is so bad and over the top that the only sane thing is to ignore it and never talk about it again. The gameplay is otherwise still the same with many cool scenes and events that you get to enjoy and the most epic thing of all is the Special Ops missions that can be played in co-op with another player.

F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin
More hallways and store rooms with huge fire fights and still not much in the way of fear. The level designers for the game need basic training in learning to place triggers, I spent most of the games trying to see the things I was supposed to see each time there was a spooky sound but I more or less missed them all. It's like a game that can't choose if it would like to be action or horror and so it does not it any high on any of them.

Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars
Great game that really work well on the DS.

Left 4 Dead 2
Four new survivors need to survive the zombie onslaught and this time it is possible to use melee weapons to kill of the undead. Chainsaw is a favorite like always in every zombie zombie apocalypse :).

Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising
Operation Flashpoint under the new flag of codemasters and it's nice and works in co-op but it seems like the only concept for mission design is killing teams of anti tank soldiers. Not real chance to drive or fly anything in this game so it does not really feel like a true operation flashpoint game.

Red Faction: Guerrilla
Back to mars to fight the evil EDF in this open-world game. This time it's possible to destroy buildings to get scraps that can be used to buy better weapons. The world is split into six areas that the EDF control and you take each one back by destroying major EDF buildings in it and doing missions.

Resident Evil 5
Travel to Africa, meet the locals, see them turn into monsters and try to eat your brain. Game is played with you taking the role as Chris Redfield from the past games and with a new partner Sheva. Works well I guess besides that she always stand in front of you when you plan the shoot and she often refuse to shoot at all when someone is about to eat a bit of Chris head. Many cutscenes, epic bad writing and tiresome boss fights where you shoot the glowing spots.

Terminator Salvation
Shooter based on the movie.

The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena
Remake and addon to Escape from butcher bay.

Wolfenstein RPG
Turn based first person shooter. Visit castle Wolfenstein and kill everyone that look at you the wrong way.

Killzone 2
The playstation exclusive shooter that stand against xbox Halo series. No idea what killzone story is about. I guess the guys with glowing red eyes are like evil so thats why we shoot them. Game is not that good enough to motivate me to bother finding out why.

I played this once. It had a Particle Cannon.

Alan Wake
Third-person horror games with a good narrative, pacing and atmosphere. The games takes place in the fictional town of Bright Falls where a form of darkness takes over humans, animals and objects. All those taken by the darkness are impervious to attacks until they have been exposed to light that burns the darkness away. So in the game you are safe in the light and besides guns you also arm yourself with flashlights and flare guns.

Aliens vs Predator
Nice but stupid AI on the marines really destroy the game. It's no fun to stalk the humans as a alien when they are to stupid to even notice that someone dies right in front of them. Then when you play as human you have to suffer with them repeating the same stupid line of dialogue the whole game. The three way story do not really work that well also, minor point really but when you play the whole games it would be nice for it to be good.

Battlefield: Bad Company 2
Go around the world with the others of the Bad Company and try to stop the Russians from using a old Japanese super weapon from WWII. Nice environments but a bit tiresome vehicle sections.

Bioshock 2
Back in rapture and this time as a Big Daddy looking for your little sisters and think I enjoyed this game more then the first.

Doom II: RPG
Turn based first person shooter where you go a UAC base on the Moon to stop the demons from hell.

Metro 2033
First-person shooter video game based on the Metro 2033 novel by Dmitry Glukhovsky. The basic concept follows the book and you play Artyom that try to reach Polis. There are more action in the game, more visits to the surface and many of the people from the book you meet in in other places. Really good environments in the game and both the tunnels and the stations look great. Your flashlight always work but you can use a dynamo to charge it to be brighter for a while so it is a good mix of fear of the dark and still able to play. Besides to flashlight you can also power up your pneumatic weapons to make more damage. You can use the normal guns but bullets are also used as currency so it is worth to save on the cash by using the air guns.

The thing i had most problems with in the game is the fact that you spend many parts of the game with other characters following you. There are some great characters in the game but there are some scenes in the game that would be wonderful survival horror experiences that get destroyed by a character talking about it as it happens. The level Ghosts would be epic if not for Khan following you talking about everything like a bad exercise in exposition.

Sniper Ghost Warrior
Sniper game that works but not much more. Multiplayer 16 players is silent like the wind until someone moves one inch and gets hit by 15 bullets :)

World of Warcraft: Cataclysm
Third World Of Warcraft expansion that update the old world from the first release and also add some new areas. Now it's possible to fly mounts in the old world.

Assassins Creed Brotherhood
Ezio from Assassins Creed II travels to Rome to hunt down more members of the Borgia family that need to die.

Alien Breed: Impact
Aliens need to die in top-down perspective this time. It works but it gets really tiresome to repeat the same actions. Go to x, defend x, walk to y, defend y and repeat until exit.

Sid Meier's Civilization V
Build cities, build units and then take over the world.

Fallout: New Vegas
Explore New Vegas, find the mysterious man that try to kill you and then help the faction of you choice to power. The best DLC was Old World Blues.

Silent Hunter V: Battle of the Atlantic
The main selling point for this game is the ability to walk inside and outside on the submarine. It's a nice function but it does not add anything to the gameplay. Using the bad controls to walk around and talk to your stupid crew with a single voice line each only makes you hate them. I will not even talk about the user interface, a oversimplified mess that takes away all the enjoyment of the simulation. Please sink this game to crush depth as soon as possible.

Medal of Honor
The game takes the linear game-play experience to a new level. It might look like a mountain or town but everything is a corridor now. The problem with that is that you can walk two ways in a corridor so they added ledges everywhere to stop you from going back. A normal weak developer might have stopped there but the people that make MoH series are not made of the same material as normal people. They realized that the player still had the choice of standing still and son, you do not get a Medal of Honor by standing still. So to make you into a hero that moves you always have a buddy with you. One that spends every moment telling you what to do next while also spewing out bad military jargon. Yes, he do it all the time. No it never stops. Never. Stop for 5 seconds and he will nag you to move forward the only possible way. No, he can not die. The only upside is that the game is only four hours long and one of them die in the end.

Call of duty: Black Ops
One common activity in classic adventure games was pixelhunting. It is when you sit and click with the mouse all over the screen trying to find something you can interact with. Not the most fun way to play a game and I'm not sad that we have lost that part of gaming. So you can imagine my surprise when i find myself doing it again in Call of duty: Black Ops, a game from 2011. Well to be honest I'm not really hunting pixels but the activity is as fun. What I'm trying to do is to follow orders so i can progress in the game. I need to do it in the precise way the developers designed it to be done. If i take one step of the given path, stand still half a second to long or fail to stack up to the correct door the mission fails. And my only guide is a npc to follow and once every 15 seconds someone scream at me what to do next. Stand there, shoot them, pick up rocketlauncher, shoot helicopter, reload, down the foxhole, look at shitty cutscene and shoot some more. I hate this game. It's a stupid rail shooter where the rail is invisible.

Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit
I played as a cop in a single race then I went all dark side.

Amnesia: The Dark Descent
Horror game where you explore a castle and solve puzzles. The only defense against the the monsters is to hide in a dark corner. The down side of this is that your sanity drains by being in the dark so you can not sneak around all the time. Looking at monsters also drive you crazy. This game is almost to scary to play.

Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Conviction
Sneak around and grab people and interrogation them with your fists. More shooting then it need to be in this game and to little gear to use.

Alien Breed 2: Assault
Continues the story from Alien Breed: Impact. The gameplay is the same.

Alien Breed 3: Descent
Third and final episode of the 2010 Alien Breed trilogy. If i was tired of the gameplay in the first episode i was in hate mode in this one. Just let it end.

Battlefield 3
Battlefield and now with a single player section. You spend most of the time in the single player game running behind someone from one piece of scenery to another. The story is told well but it is something about nukes as always. The sad part is that you really do not get to drive or fly that much and when you do it scripted to death. I enjoyed the Russians missions the most as they had such a pessimistic view of it all :)

Crysis 2
Shoot people in the city for a change of scenery.

F.E.A.R. 3
More misplaced triggers and not much more. The writer of the story must be be paid by the number of lines as people talk on with nothing to say. Possible to replay the game with another character but i hated him the first time i played so why suffer more.

Combine the eight elements of magick to destroy the forces of evil and your friends. All is forgiven is you say Suprender! when they die.

Portal 2
Time for more portal puzzles and now also with tractor beams, light bridges and gels that give surface special properties such as jumping higher. GlaDOS is back and also new characters like the robot Wheatley that help you and Cave Johnson, the deceased CEO of Aperture Science. Great voice work with funny dialogue on all characters in the game.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Dragons have returned to Tamriel and as one of the few that can speak the dragon language you can help defeat them. Nice open world with many quests and areas to explore, the only thing that brings the game down a bit is the retarded console like menus.

Dead Island
Open world zombie shooter. Really more of a zombie smasher as there is more focus on melee combat then guns. Walk or drive around the island, smash zombies and try to find a way off the island.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
Cool scenes and a stupid story to tie them together is still the rule for these games so try to ignore it and just play. So the Russians sailed a submarine into the east river and we now need to hijack it. Why not, give me a gun and a flag and off we go.

Duke Nukem Forever
Fist-person shooter that is overall really bad. The best part is when one is hit by the Shrink ray. Some levels looks like they where made in 2000 and has not been updated since.

Saints Row: The Third
Action game where the Third Streets Saints gang once again make the world less safe. The world in this case is the city of Steelport and there are gangs to fight, crazy missions and tanks to skydive with :).

Assassin's Creed: Revelations
Final game where one plays Ezio as he explore Constantinople trying to find the clues to enter Altair's secret vault in Masyaf. One also gets to play as Altair in the 13th century and Desmond in the 21st century but Ezio still stands out as the best and most fun character. Gameplay is nice and Constantinople is fun to explore and so is the story about Ezio. The overall story is still a total clusterfuck where it keeps folding onto itself to be able to drag on into more games. As a final note i think that all the people that wrote the Altair story part need to be fired as they turned him into a useless crybaby.

Gears of war 3
Last part of the Gears of War series and I think they have a real writer now but it's to late as I do not care. Each cutscene is painful as always. Mechs was fun to use.

Dead Space 2
Still a bit to predictable story. The events in the game get less of a impact when it's so easy to see what will happen all the time.

Deus Ex: Human Revolution
So i played this game and put in the the score. Forgot to write the text for the review. I played it for 24 hours and got achievement for completing it. No memory of what i did in it all. With that score i guess i hooked up my mind to the grid and wiped myself.

Red Faction: Armageddon
Not a bad third-person science fiction shooter but i do not feel much of the Red faction legacy in it.

The campaign is short and that is great as it is really bad. It's like a 4 hour quicktime event. Get escorted to area, stand on the right spot and shoot/press use button and then move on.

Alan Wake's American Nightmare
Follow-up to Alan Wake. Alan is stuck in dark place at the end of the last game and in this he try to find his way out.

Sniper Elite V2
Remake of Sniper Elite and not much is new. They have a X-Ray kill cam that ups the 'parent panic factor' a bit but it's does not add anything else to the game really. Support for two player co-op but the levels are two linear and simple to make it that fun.

Spec Ops: The Line
Third-person shooter set in Dubai. Destructive sandstorms have ruined the city and the player takes the role of a small delta team that go in to find out what did go wrong with the evacuation of the city. Some of the environments is nice but everything else is below average. The story is formed by running from one badly designed game section to the next and getting a forklift of cut scenes in the face in between. It's not well done and one can see the plot points two levels before it happens. I really feel like the developers gave up on making the gameplay solid and added a thin layer of story instead. Then they throw down the art card and game critics then soiled themselves in a quest to use long words to describe how deep the game is.

It's not, it should been left under the sand to die in 2010.

World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria
The fourth expansion for World of Warcraft adds a new playable race, the Pandaren and a new class, the Monk. The changed the talent trees also and not sure if it is better. Level 90 is the new top level and my Mage has a new goal in the game, collect items with no in game bonus but with fun effects. Like a ball of paint that you can throw on people to turn them orange.

Borderlands 2
Some years after the events in Borderlands a new group of characters explore the world of Pandora. The original cast are now in supporting roles as non playable characters and i really like the story and setting. Gameplay is like the first game and it is all about the Loot. There is always a better gun or shield waiting for you to be find in the next battle.

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Future Soldier
Ghost Recon used to be cool, like Rainbow Six but today they are sad shadows of what they used to be. This version is a generic on the rails cover-based shooter. Some mission demands that you do not alert anyone and for them you just order around your team mates to kill everyone. Not that hard as they are invisible to the enemy and can shoot straight trough walls. There is no tactical shooter element left in this game.

Take the role of Corvo, the Empress's legendary bodyguard that have been framed for her murder. Seeking revenge on those who conspired against him Corvo start to work for the Loyalists, a resistance group that try the put the Empress daughter back on the throne. The game is split up into ten missions and each mission have a goal and there are many ways to reach it. The ways to solve any problems is often a choice between stealth or action. With stealth you sneak in and knock people out and hide the bodies. If you chose the action way you stab them in the neck and drop the still bleeding body in front of their friends. Besides your sword you have a gun, a crossbow and also magical abilities. You gain more powers as the game progress. The graphical style in the game is also great. Whatever. Play it. Now.

Max Payne 3
More third-person bullet time and there is also cover system now. Not that it adds much to the game as I think Max Payne is a character that should be in the air more then behind cover. I also miss the comic panels from the past games, now there is cut scenes that interrupt the game all the time to deliver more cynical dialogue. Really gets tiresome fast.

Hitman: Absolution
Someone hire 47 to kills someone he does not feel like killing and it turn out to be a really bad idea to complain to 47 about that in his performance review :).

Assassin's Creed 3
More stealth kills and this time in the New World. I found the setting boring as I do not care about some old houses in Boston. So boring in fact that i gave up the game.

Counter-Strike: Global offensive
Once more the counter-terrorists and terrorists try to kill each other. The levels you can play are Dust 2 and some other levels that are not Dust 2. If you vote for anything else then Dust 2 you are a Noob. I was a noob for two hours until i got my first kill then i started to vote on Dust 2 like everyone else. In total of four hours playing i manage to get 12 kills total. It's less then the average time a counter-strike player spend on Dust 2 each day :). Grinding that much is not for me so i think i skip this game.

XCOM: Enemy Unknown
Great game that really capture the feel of the old 1994 game so i recommended this to anyone that liked the old ones. There is also a expansion called XCOM: Enemy Within. It adds some new elements such as the MEC trooper and a new human enemy faction to the game. The optimal mix for me was two MEC’s, two genetic soldiers and two human soldiers on each mission. Play it. Play it Now.

Diablo 3
The devil that refuse to die is back. Explore a slightly random world for loot and use it to stab him. Then when he is dead play the expansion reaper of souls and kill death. So I did and i was bored most of the time.

Halo 4
More Master chief and more shooting of aliens.

Call of Duty: Black Ops II
No, still not fun.

Medal of Honor: Warfighter
They keep killing of side characters to try to get an emotional response from the player. Not that it works but give it 6 more games and it will be possible to play the game without the annoying team members.

Trials Evolution
Racing game where you use a motorcycle to traverse an obstacle course. Looks 3D but the gameplay is in 2D. Four players is nice on the same screen.

Carrier Command: Gaea Mission
A remake that fails. The basic idea is the same but they added horrible first-person segments and cutscenes. The AI units is a pain as you have to babysit them all the time.

Hotline Miami
Top-down shooter with set in the 1980's with violence and surreal storytelling. Nice music.

Why did they do this to such a fun game as Syndicate. A dull shooter.

Saints Row IV
More madness with the superpowers, aliens and a dubstep gun. The superpowers work well but there is not much use for cool cars anymore when you can jump over buildings.

BioShock Infinite
In the third Bioshock game we leave the water and travel to the airborne city of Columbia. Nice city, crazy people and weapons everywhere. Gameplay wise i enjoyed the use of the skyrail to travel between the parts of the city. I did not use the vigor powers that much and i missed the ability to carry more then two weapons. The story of the game was fun also. I did notice complains about the violence in reviews before i played the game and a few of them said that it's a disconnect between to story and the gameplay. I did not find that at all so i wonder if they played another game then me. Yes, the combat is violent and the setting is brutal and unforgiving but the violence is also a core element of the story. They should try to spend more time then a coffe break thinking about the game before they started to write their opinion piece. Time to add them my game reviewer ignore list while the DLC's are downloading.

Crysis 3
Super soldier time again. Cryris 3 is like the settings of Crysis and Crysis 2 merged into one game. Run around in a destroyed version of New york with trees, evil soldiers and aliens. Suit can be switched between ‘i shoot things’ and ‘i sneak around mode’. Gameplay was a bit meh to me.

Dead Island Riptide
Instead of fixing the bugs and problems in the first Dead Island they made a new game and this is not a worthy sequel. You can drive a boat now but it is slow and they get stuck everywhere You can defend your base at sections in the story and enjoy the worthless help of the non player characters. All in all a really low score and halfway into the game i noticed the spawning of enemies right beside me and that i do not accept in a zombie game.

Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2
This games real name should be Sniper Safari. In almost all levels you have a spotter that tell you where to sit and who to shoot. No thinking is required from you as a player. To make sure you do not think by mistake your buddy keep serving you with stupid comments. Such as stay frosty, game face, it's a little to quit and they do not pay me enough for this shit. If It takes you seven bullet to hit someone in the head you get the same restarted great shot from him. Not that it's matter if you miss that much. The chance that someone notice you is based on a single dice that roll around in the enemies empty heads. They miss you when you shoot them down in front of each other and then notice their buddy die on a cliff 200 meters away. The best part is when you manage to leave the reservation that the linear game play try to force you in. The whole game breaks and cat sleeps with dogs as they enemy try to hump your spotter to death by running into him.

Battlefield 4
After a step up in Battlefield 3 the single player is back at worthless levels again. So bad in fact that the thing that i compare this game to is Aliens Colonial marines. I'm running around with my annoying squad and i can't count the number of times i wished i could just shoot them and play alone. This game must have been written by writers of the retard school of 'everything is a conflict' and the team members can not say two words to each other without screaming about it. They are also window dressing as they can not be killed and are ignored by the enemy. So when i sneak around in the level they are standing beside the tank I’m trying to avoid. Immersion gets it in the face in this game. One of the few positive things with the single player was that it only crashed on me one time in the seven hours it took to play it. Multiplayer is more unstable and crashes and other bugs are not uncommon. Battlefield 4 feels and plays as Battlefield 3 so it is better to just play Battlefield 3 some more.

Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army 2
One would think this would be an improvement like Left 4 Dead 2 was compared to L4D but this it’s really only more levels and more zombies.

Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army
In this game you play one to four players and shoot Nazi zombies while moving to the next safe house. Yes it’s Left 4 Dead with Nazi Zombies.

Call of Duty: Ghosts
So time to play COD: Ghosts. Only started by the story is already in WTF mode. #codghosts . So lets run after a guy. This is a #asswatchsim

And a dog to. Well i'm not a dog person, i prefer cats so i will not care when it dies. Your simple mind tricks do not work on me developers

'Sounds like trouble'. And so the military lingo bingo starts again. #codghosts

Omgz i can play as a dog. I call next ge... ... ohh nope. Back to door breaching. My misstake, still last last gen. #codghosts

'Looks like they went this way'. You don't say? They did go the only possible way in this straight corridor world? #codghosts

'Remember, move slow and do exactly what the level designer scripted for you. Do not try to think outside the box' #codghosts

'Get to the chopper' *sigh* #CODGhosts

This drone thing could be made fun but it's so scripted it feels pointless. And now my save is stuck so i need to replay the mission

'Welcome to the ghosts', 'we finish the mission'. A flooded city is nice place to fight in. I will hum the jaws theme as i sneak attack

Falling building and running after a guy. Yep still playing #CODGhosts.

And there was the helicopter section. And it fails to impress also. Nothing is that good with this game. #codghosts

'stay frosty'. Think they hit all the one liners in this game. Ohh and 'wait for it...' to, nice. #CODGhosts

No need for the rescure boats in the end of Atlas falls. All the innocent people on that rig died in a sea of flamming oil. #CODGhosts

Omgz, water level now. Must be time for that next gen Fish AI. Every gamedev team should have a Fishy AI Programmer position. #CODGhosts

So the factory builds space weapons and tanks one room apart. Even bond villains would point out the flaws in this design. #CODGhosts

Checkmate, the end, fin, extra credits for tacky piece of shit ending also. I hate this game. #CODGhosts

Arma 3
Time to give up on Bohemia Interactive. Operation Flashpoint was fun but i do not wish to play the same game fourteen years later with the same bugs.

Metro: Last Light
Spend some more time in the Moscow metro in this sequel to Metro 2033. They have improved the game in almost every way. It's great to explore the environments both above and below ground. The only part that has failed to improve are the exposition spewing characters. Every part where there are another character leading you, and there are far to many, they keep on talking non stop about everything you see. Shut up and let me see the world for myself.

Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs
Horror game that takes place in 1899 and is set in the same universe as Amnesia: The Dark Descent. Explore your own house in London to find your children and stop the machine that is starting up somewhere deep below.

Need for Speed Rivals
Enjoy a life as a cop or racer in a open world. Like always i did go for racer and crashed into cliffs and other solid objects all over the map. I'm not that good at driving.

Dead Space 3
It was nice to travel between the ships. Less fun on the planet.

Grand Theft Auto V
The final report in GTA5 makes it clear that it is good for society that I choose the life of programmer instead of crime. I like the satire of the game and the gameplay. Multiplayer is to much of a timesink for me to bother with.

Dishonored: The Knife of Dunwall
Expansion to Dishonored that follow the story of Daud, the empress murderer from Dishonored. Imbued with supernatural powers you stealth or stab your way across Dunwall trying to solve the mystery behind the name Delilah. With you is your second-in-command, Billie Lurk, to give advice and comment on your actions.

Dishonored: The Brigmore Witches
Play three more missions as Daud, some revisiting places from Dishonored.

Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag
This could be a nice pirate game. Unfortunately someone had to force assassins creed into it. No fun historical places to visit, play as a whiny knob and a enjoy a cast of pirates that spend most of the time wasting air. If I have to play another tail a character mission I will assassinate myself. Pirates of Nightmares would have been a better game.

Tomb Raider
Not bad but it's a bit too much a step away from the old games. They had more exploration and puzzles, and this new game is shooter in a Lara suit. The sliding down slopes and the running when things fall apart section got boring fast. Not much in way of tombs to speak of.

Wolfenstein: The New Order
Visit the 1960's where the Nazis has taken over the world with meachs and robotic guard dogs. Then Blazkowicz wakes up from his 14 years of coma to kill them. All of them. Real fun game and dual-wield of weapons is always cool :).

Sniper Elite III
Feels like a good step forward for this series. Less linear levels makes it more fun to explore and the stealth system is much better.

World of Warcraft: Warlords of Dreanor
Time travel back to Outlands before it was destroyed. Enjoy cut scenes of angry orcs that scream at each other. Fight on to level 100 level and build a custom garrison instance and send npc followers on missions. It’s nice but it also removes a bit of the multiplayer in MMORPG. Most of the time that was once spent in cities is now spent in the garrison and i did not team up with another player even once to quest. It used to be that only the party that killed a mob would get to loot but now anyone can loot it. That change seems to have killed off the random groups that player formed when questing along in the same area and it’s a bit sad. Still it’s a fun single player game and there is a toy box for all the fun useless item now. Score:

This linear disaster set another nail in the thief series coffin. I hate everything about this game and with Dishonored to compare with this game looks like a bad and painful joke. Extra points for the dramatic cut scene with a cheering crowd of two people. Was all the character crowd members busy signing up for Assassins Creed: Unity? Not that anyone would spent time in the City these days, it’s layout makes it less interesting then the window dressing city from Thief: The Dark project. A game i will play next to cleanse my soul of this vile piece of @£$€ game.

Styx Master of shadows
Good stealth game with a really shitty boss fight at the end. Combat system is not that good but it do focus you on solving things with stealth.

Trials Fusion
More trails madness.

Assassin's Creed Unity
The closer to present day the less entertaining. Meh characters and the main story was even more meh. Meh is the word.

Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide
Co-op survival in the Warhammer Fantasy universe. Think Left 4 Dead but with more hammers and rats. It's a cool setting and another reminder that you are now stuck with the Age of Sigmar.

Dying Light
Run around in a city and try to avoiding the brain eaters. Like the past zombie game from Thechland the focus is on melee weapons but this time you can also climb and jump between buildings. Not many zombies can climb but to get the good stuff you need to get down on the ground and inside buildings. Good game, some boss battles i hate but i hate them in all games.

Magicka 2
Cast spells and hit your friends.

Read more about my work on the Magicka 2

Wolfenstein: The Old Blood
Find out what happened before The New Order and why you always should bring a bottle of holy water when you visit castle Wolfenstein.

Halo 5: Guardians
More aliens to shoot and less Master chief. The game is split between our green hero and another spartan. He has a name for sure but as long as John-117 is around he will always be another spartan. They each have three friends so you are never alone in this game. Story is something about Cortana going insane. Nothing is solved this time around so the end credits is a punch in the face and a hint to wait until Halo 6. I hope they can make more then one boss to Halo 6 so they do not have to recycle him all the time like in Halo 5.

Fallout 4
Set in and around the city of Boston, known as "The Commonwealth". Four factions to work with, the Brotherhood of Steel, the Institute, the Minutemen or the Railroad. The story is about you trying to find your lost son. Like we care, we have fatman's to shoot with. I'm sure he show up someday.

Walking simulator where you boat and climb in a sunken city. Gets a bit stale after a while as all buildings have the same style.

Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes
Collect characters and ships from Star Wars and battle with them. Many game modes like light/dark side campaign, daily Challenges, guild raids and more. It was fun for a while. The downside is that it is filled with different currencies and time based events. It turns into a fulltime job. All of it tweaked to make you pay for the prime currency with real world money. Technically it is possible to do it all free-to-play and it would be nice to collect a team from the Knights of the Old Republic. Revan, HK-47, T3-M4, Bastila and the others but i will not spend years on it.

Assassins Creed Syndicate
I think the writer had seen Gangs of New York a bit to many times. Not much i enjoyed in this game. Tiresome missions and side quests. Feels like they reused the boss fight from Unity.

Dying Light: The Following
DLC to Dying Light where one get to explore the countryside with a car. Always fun to run over zombies with a car :).

So fun. Get it now :).

Dishonored 2
Epic =).

Titanfall 2
Shooter where you play both with and without your Titan, a large mecha-style exoskeletons. It has it's own AI so it can act on it's own when you are outside it. Great single player campaign.

Grim Dawn
Action role-playing game set in a post-apocalyptic victorian era style fantasy world destroyed by otherworldly powers. Survive by killing monsters, collecting loot and doing quests.

Battlefield 1
A battlefield game set in World War I, or the Great War as it was known until the sequel. A good single player campaign with six different characters with seperate war stories about the war.

The first XCOM is better as all the timers annoy me in this one. There seems to be clocks counting down or up everywhere. I enjoy building my base and sneaking around shooting the aliens in the face. It's hard when there is always a timer that makes it a rush. The War of the Chosen expansion has a mod called Avatar Be Gone that removes the worst timer and it is also possible to lengthen some of the timers in the expansion. Without the mod I would not have played this game at all.

World of Warcraft: Legion
Sixth expansion and the Burning Legion invades Azeroth. A new continent called the Broken Isles show up in Azeroth. This time you run around and power up a artifact weapons.

Worms W.M.D
Play worms with tanks, helicopters and mounted weapons.

Gears of War 4
Set 25 years after the last game the new cast has more hair but is as fun as a box of wet cabbage. Hard to kill things in a successful franchise so old enemies and cast return.

Homefront: The Revolution
The semi open world of Philadelphia is nice and you take over zones far cry style. The only thing that really annoyed me was the spawning and despawning of enemies. Stealth style is a bit hard when they sometime vanish into thin air or pop in from nothing. Story was bland and character was like dead wieght i did not care about.

Something that i did like was the mission requirement to shoot the surgeons that was working in the torture facility.

Sniper Elite 4
Visited Italy, shoot some Nazi, Killed Hitler. Nice holiday.

Dishonored: Death of the outsider
Play as Billie Lurk looking for a way to bring the end to the outsider.

Titan Quest: Ragnarök
Read more about my work on the Titan Quest: Ragnarök

Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus
Not sure why I rate this one so much lower than the The New Order or The Old Blood. I really disliked the story and most of the characters in the new one. The cat was the best even if every other character ignored the obvious foreshadowing. Submarine base was cool to but submarines are always fun.

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Wildlands
This is a open-world action game that someone stamped Ghost Recon on by mistake. Standard Ubisoft clear out regions gameplay where you hack computers, tag supplies and defend radio transmitters. Your invisible squadmates follow you around and point out targets like it's a escort mission with you as the VIP. Can be fun drive around and shoot up some places but it does not feel like ghost recon.

Grim Dawn - Ashes of Malmouth
Expansion that adds two chapters about the fallen city of Malmouth, two masteries and more loot.

Star Wars Battlefront II
Game looks great, the AI is a bit meh and i stopped playing when they worthless characters from the new movies started to show up. The new characters in the game are fine but the story is a slice of stupid.

Styx: Shards of darkness
Elfs and Dwarfs is on the list of things to murder in this game. It have a bit to much reuse of levels and the skills are a bit meh. Characters and story is nice.

Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3
Sneak around in an open world and snipe at evil doers. Gameplay is fine, story is meh.

Battlefield 5
The return of the battlefield games to the second world war. A strange early access form of release with parts of the game filled with coming soon and future release dates for content. They used the war stories format from Battlefield 1 for the single player.

World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth
Seventh expansion pack with two new continents and more races.

The Forest
Plane crash, island, survival with cannibals and mutants.

Titan Quest: Atlantis
Read more about my work on the Titan Quest: Atlantis

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Breakpoint
This is a sequel to Wildlands and it main new feature is the game as the games-as-service elements. Microtransactions R'Ubisoft.

Grim Dawn - Forgotten Gods
Expansion with a new mastery and a new story chapter.

Borderlands 3
The loot keep coming with four new Vault Hunters to play. Zip around between the planets on the Sanctuary III spaceship to find vaults before the Calypso twins. They are a bit like evil streamers with a cult of crazy followers. Shot, loot, reload shoot some more.

Trials Rising
Even more trails madness.

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order
Metroidvania style game where you take the role of a Jedi Padawan after the Jedi Purge. The levels look nice visually but everything else in the game has flaws. Explore a few planets in a contrived plot to find a Jedi Holocron with a meh story ending. The explore part is not that fun. Feels like the developers spent to little time building a world fit for Metroidvania style play.

Doom 64
Takes ideas from both Doom and Doom II and have lots of original content. Fun to play and my only complaint is that levels are a bit small at times.

Zombie Army 4: Dead War
The Zombie wars roll on, this time in Italy with content from Sniper Elite 4. Zombie hordes get tiresome for to long so i would like to have seen more zombie tanks, zombie sharks and other zombie things. Lost some character progress and that was no fun.

Take on the role as a minion in a 2D platformer that get the ability to jump. I do not play many games like this but it was forgiving with save points so it worked for me.

Gears 5
Now we get to play as Kait Diaz. It is an improvement from the vegetable we suffered with in the last game. There is a robotic companion i did not bother with and some open world areas that was nice to look at. I managed to look at the cut scenes without breaking the skip button.

Amnesia: Rebirth
The stumble around in the dark, find incendiary devices and cry in the corner until the darkness goes away is not enough gameplay. I tried to play for a while before i switched over to adventure Mode. Story and puzzles was both meh so really nothing for me in this game.

Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts 2
Nice sniper game that is much better then the other Ghost warrior games. Some really long distance levels.

Aliens: Fireteam Elite
Co-op survival shooter against aliens that try to hug your face. Not great not terrible.

Battlefield 2042
Nope 2042.

Halo Infinite
Open world snoozefest where 343 takes every bad thing they learned from creating Halo 4 and 5 and put it into a single game.

Dying Light 2: Stay Human
Great sequel with a new hero and a new city. Be prepared to die from fall damage until you get the parkour flow going. Death to the Survivors as they are all assholes.

Far: Changing Tides
A walking simulator where you mostly swim and sail among the ruins of a lost civilization. Not much happens beside the sightseeing and a some really really simple puzzles.

Sons of the Forest
Helicopter crash, island, survival with more cannibals and mutants.

Diablo 4
Played as a Barbarian and it was good. The walking arsenal feature of the barbarian was nice where you carry multiple types of weapon that can be used by different skills. A bit repetitive dungeons with variations of find two keys and then fight a boss. Some more cool set pieces in the campaign would be nice to.

Alone In The Dark
Worked on this early in development so it was extra fun to walk around in all the levels and see what had changed :).